WINDFORCE 2014 Conference Programme
The most important offshore conference in Germany will take place at the same time as the trade fair, offering an ideal setting for gaining a comprehensive insight into offshore wind energy. The conference will feature more than 70 presentations, with 20 from 7 international countries, on current topics affecting the industry, excursions allowing a practical view of developments in Germany, and a panel discussion focusing on political issues.
This is a preliminary programme with an overview of all sessions and the presentations with the abstracts.
With a click on an item, you will get further information.
Download WINDFORCE 2014 Guide – conference programme and exhibitor profiles (you will receive the complete version with all interviews, maps and overviews at the trade fair/conference)
Download WINDFORCE 2014 List of Participants
Monday, 16 June 2014 - Northsea windfarm tour
North Sea Wind Farm Tour – Offshore Wind Energy “Live”
Excursion by air to North Sea offshore wind farms
Eight projects are under construction and three projects are successfully supplying wind power to the mainland. Find out more about projects from an aerial view. See for yourself what the German offshore industry can do.
Enjoy “live” information about the projects.
Details North Sea Wind Farm Tour (PDF)
Tuesday, 17 June 2014 - Opening of Conference
4 p.m. Opening of Conference - Kaisen-Saal, at the Conference Center Bremen
Ronny Meyer, Managing Director, WAB
Jens Eckhoff, Managing Director, Offshore Wind Messe und Veranstaltungs GmbH
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam
Hildegard Müller, Chair of the General Executive Management Board and Member of the Executive Board of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW)
Welcome from the major sponsors:
Markus Rieck, Managing Director of ALSTOM Renewable Germany
Dr. Günther Schöffner, Managing Director/CEO Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke
5.30 – 6.30 p.m. Panel Discussion
With the kind support of:
Topic: The debate on amending the Renewable Energies Act – What does it mean for Germany’s offshore wind industry? How can the goals set for expansion be achieved? Can these goals also reduce costs?
Ronny Meyer, Managing Director Wind Energy Agency WAB
Dr Joerg Mielke, State Secretary and Head of Lower Saxony State Chancellery
Hildegard Müller, Chair of the General Executive Management Board and Member of the Executive Board of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW)
Alf Henryk Wulf, Chairman of the board, ALSTOM Deutschland AG
Manfred Dittmer, Head of Regulatory Affairs & Stakeholder Management, DONG Energy Renewables Germany GmbH
Chair: Andreas Neumann, Radio Bremen TV
7 p.m. WINDFORCE Party - Hanse-Saal, at the Conference Center Bremen
All conference participants and exhibitors are cordially invited to bring the first day to a close in a relaxed atmosphere.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 8 – 9.30 a.m. - Breakfast - Session A: Turbines
Offshore Wind Energy Turbines – New Developments and Experiences
1) Offshore Experience with Haliade150-6MW - Advanced offshore wind technology |
Company / Unternehmen: ALSTOM Renewables Germany GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Markus Rieck
Offshore Experience with Haliade150-6MW - Advanced offshore wind technology
Company / Unternehmen: ALSTOM Renewables Germany GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Markus Rieck
Europe has led the world in development of off-shore wind resources; from innovation in wind turbine technology, to advancements in construction and installation, to the integration of this power into on-shore grids. Technology suppliers, including Alstom, continue to bring innovations to the market, using a proven methodology of prototype, demonstration, and industrial/commercial deployment. Public/private partnerships have played an important role to support demonstration and deployment.
Alstom has followed a strong stepwise program for the Haliade 150 – an advanced 6MW off-shore wind turbine. With a 150-metre rotor, the turbine is more efficient, with 15% better yield than existing offshore turbines, enabling power supply to the equivalent of about 5,000 households. The first large scale step in this program was the March 2012 commissioning of an onshore prototype at Le Carnet, France. In May 2013, the turbine at Le Carnet achieved its IEC power performance measurement after 3 months of successful performance measurements. This turbine is now dedicated to complementary performance upgrade tests and training actions.
In parallel, in May 2012, Alstom signed an agreement with Belgian wind farm developer Belwind to install the first offshore Haliade™ 150-6MW, at Belwind’s Bligh Bank site in the North Sea, near the port of Ostend. This site is representative of typical conditions for wind farms in the North Sea and is therefore a good site to fully test both the turbine and maintenance practices in offshore operation. The wind turbine will be connected to the existing high voltage sub-station platform. . This installation provides a prototype to test the Haliade™ 150-6MW before commercial operation begins. In November 2013, the final blade of the Haliade wind turbine was attached and the turbine is now complete.
Installation of the Haliade150 in sea waters is an important milestone in the industrialisation process of the wind turbine. Experience gained from Le Carnet and Belwind will support Alstom’s next and final phase of commercial deployment. The pipeline of projects for the Haliade150 include tenders for the French offshore wind energy projects as well as demonstration projects awarded on the East Coast of the USA.
This presentation will discuss the critical steps in bringing off-shore wind technology from demonstration to commercial deployment and detail the off-shore experience of the Haliade150 installation.
2) AREVA offshore technologies: a proven technology and the next step |
Company / Unternehmen: Areva Wind
Speaker / Referent: Arnaud Bellanger
AREVA offshore technologies: a proven technology and the next step
Company / Unternehmen: Areva Wind
Speaker / Referent: Arnaud Bellanger
3) The Vestas V164-8.0MW |
Company / Unternehmen: Vestas Offshore
Speaker / Referent: Torben Hvid Larsen, Denmark Position: Chief Technology Officer
The Vestas V164-8.0MW
Company / Unternehmen: Vestas Offshore
Speaker / Referent: Torben Hvid Larsen, Denmark
Vestas' V164-8.0MW offshore turbine is set to be a game changer in the offshore wind market. Its 25 year design life and 35,000 MWh expected annual energy production will reduce the cost of energy. At 8MW, fewer turbines are required, reducing balance of plant costs.
However, larger wind turbines alone will not drive down the cost sufficiently which is why Vestas has put great emphasis on the testing programme for its game changer to the industry and on the industrialization of the production.
The Mitsubishi/Vestas Joint will invite all participants to gain a deeper insight to the current status of the prototype deployed at the Østerild test center in Denmark and to how Vestas is driving down cost by introducing new sophisticated and rigorous testing regimes to the industry.
The industry is facing ever increasing demands from customers to ensure business case certainty and to lower cost of energy. Vestas has acknowledged this and has put into operation the world’s largest and most sophisticated test equipment in order to thoroughly and rigorously test all major and critical components, complete systems and the full nacelle of its next generation offshore wind turbine – the V164-8.0 MW - prior to testing and verifying the full turbine at its facility in Østerild, Denmark.
The main challenge for testing is to demonstrate robustness and reliability in a much shorter time than it would happen in real life. This requires that the test equipment will have the ability to load test devices much beyond normal operating conditions coupled with multiple accelerations factors to be controlled by the test equipment’s.
Vestas has embedded its 30 years of experience into unique testing protocols to ensure that products will perform as expected during the lifetime. By focusing on testing components, modules, system level, WTG level and Park level, the Lost Production Factor is successfully driven down and customers will enjoy the benefits from this in an improved Business Case.
4) The Senvion 6.2M152 – 20% Yield Improvement for the 6.XM Platform |
Company / Unternehmen: Senvion SE
Speaker / Referent: Harry Pim Position: Productmanager
The Senvion 6.2M152 – 20% Yield Improvement for the 6.XM Platform
Company / Unternehmen: Senvion SE
Speaker / Referent: Harry Pim
Installed in 2004, the 5M used to be the largest wind energy converter in the world. Only some five years later, Senvion SE developed the more advanced 6M, now renamed to the 6.2M126. By the end of 2014 Senvion will boost the yield of the 6.XM platform to the next level. The 6.2M152 is based on the proven platform but has 20% more yield and therefore reduces the cost of energy significantly. 1. Introduction
The development of the Senvion 5M start- ed in 2000, when 1.5 MW turbines were state of the art technology. Since the pro- totype installation in 2004, 53 units have been installed at different on- and offshore sites. Its’ further development, the 6.XM will add more than 100 units on top until the end of 2014. With more than 900MW being installed, this is the largest opera- tional 5MW+ platform in the world currently. 2. Design Correlation and Changes The 6.XM platform features the same roots and design principles. Due to multiple op- timization efforts it was possible to in- crease the yield by 20% while keeping nearly identical nacelle dimensions. The electrical system with a nominal power of 6.15MW has proven its’ capabilities many times in various on- and offshore projects all over Europe and is identical within the 6.XM platform. 3. Program Schedule
Prototype installation and commissioning is foreseen for Q4/14. The test site is be- tween Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven close to the Senvion production facility. The site features good conditions for the overall test and validation phase. All the required measurements will commence right after commissioning so that the certification process can be finished in 2015, with seri- al production kicking off immediately af- terwards. 4. Conclusion
The 6.2M152 contributes due to its’ yield increase of 20% to a significantly lower cost of energy compared to its’ predeces- sors. Furthermore, by keeping the well- known and proven platform concept and by using all of Senvion’s offshore experi- ence, it reduces technology risk for future large offshore wind farms.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session B: Technical route to cost reduction
Technical Routes to Cost Reduction
1) DONG Energy: Our path to reduce the costs of electricity |
Company / Unternehmen: DONG Energy
Speaker / Referent: Trine Borum Bojsen
DONG Energy: Our path to reduce the costs of electricity
Company / Unternehmen: DONG Energy
Speaker / Referent: Trine Borum Bojsen
2) Offshore Wind Project Insurance from an EPC Contractor’s Perspective Project covers the EPC consortium, contractor’s balance of risks, opportunities to raise premium synergies |
Company / Unternehmen: Nordwest Assekuranzmakler
Speaker / Referent: Dr Patrick Wendisch
Offshore Wind Project Insurance from an EPC Contractor’s Perspective Project covers the EPC consortium, contractor’s balance of risks, opportunities to raise premium synergies
Company / Unternehmen: Nordwest Assekuranzmakler
Speaker / Referent: Dr Patrick Wendisch
A new development for offshore wind projects is that turbine manufacturers and construction companies form a consortium to enable them to enter into an EPC contract (Engineering Procurement Construction Contract). This basically offers the possibility for the project owner to contract an offshore wind park as a turnkey project with one stop shopping. The benefit lies in the fact that the project owners avoids like in multicontracting any interface risk with adjusted time-tables, splitting of risk among various contractors, who do not have contractual relations among each other, split of risk, split of deductible etc., contractual obligations or liquidated damages to be claimed from whom in case of an accident or disruption.
These are all valuable reasons that a good option lies in EPC contracts for offshore wind parks. This offers the possibility to reduce costs and also insurance cost. The principal insured would be the EPC contractor or the EPC consortium in the so called contractors controlled insurance policy (CCIP). This would include the insurable interests of the project owner of the wind park as well as his financing banks. All insurance related risk management information is anyway concentrated in the hands of the EPC contractors. This further allows savings in insurance management.
The EPC contractor has the possibility to access also BI cover for his internal risk and overall he could concentrate and reduce any calculation contingencies in prices if he takes out one comprehensive insurance cover. Therefore the contractors and subcontractors prices for the overall wind park may reduce, as not every single subcontractor has to fully price in his contingencies as if it would be a multi-contracting contract structure.
The principle of insurance could work much better in such a set up and could deliver a valuable benefit to cost cutting in offshore wind projects. EPC controlled insurance contracts allow a better split of risk allocation and a better chance to get project finance, if lenders have only one consortium to be responsible for a fully operational turn-key Project.
3) Low-Risk Maintenance Operations |
A method and its practical implementation
Company / Unternehmen: Hochschule Bremen / wpd windmanager Technik
Speaker / Referent: Susanne Appel / Dr Carsten Fichter
Low-Risk Maintenance Operations
Company / Unternehmen: Hochschule Bremen / wpd windmanager Technik
Speaker / Referent: Susanne Appel / Dr Carsten Fichter
Die Offshore-Windenergie ist auf der Lernkurve schon ein gutes Stück vorangekommen. Für eine konkurrenzfähige Industrie sind aber noch wesentliche Optimierungspotenziale zu heben. Hierbei stehen auch risikoarme und kostengünstige Betriebsabläufe im Fokus.
Nach der erfolgreichen Fertigstellung und Inbetriebnahme europäischer Offshore Windparks (OWP) in den letzten 13 Jahren befinden sich weitere Parks in der Planungs- bzw. Installationsphase. Vor allem in Deutschland wird der Großteil der zukünftigen Parks weit vor der Küste errichtet. Dies bedeutet u.a. neue Herausforderungen in Bezug auf die Erreichbarkeit und die damit verbundene komplexere Planung von Instandhaltungseinsätzen.
Um den Herausforderungen bei der Durchführung der Instandhaltung adäquat zu begegnen ist es notwendig, das gesamte System des OWP einschließlich der darin ablaufenden Prozesse greifbar, verständlich und bewertbar zu machen. Das heißt das System durch eine Analyse der Prozessrisiken und die Messung und Bewertung von Kennzahlen zu verbessern, sowie mit anderen Prozessabläufen zu vergleichen.
Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen wissenschaftlich fundierter Analyse und direkter praktischer Anwendung in der Industrie führen dabei zu einer den OWP-Bedürfnissen angepassten Methode.
Die Präsentation erläutert die innerhalb des Forschungsprojektes SystOp Offshore Wind entwickelten Methoden zur Analyse und Bewertung von Instandhaltungsprozessen, deren unmittelbare praxisbezogene Umsetzung sowie den damit einhergehenden Nutzen für den gesamten Windpark-Betrieb und insbesondere für die Betriebsgesellschaft. Es wird u.a. dargestellt warum es sich lohnt, Prozesse zu dokumentieren, zu analysieren und zu bewerten.
Die strukturierte Darstellung des Systems sowie der Prozessvisualisierung bietet der Betriebsgesellschaft auch die Möglichkeit das komplexe Schnittstellenmanagement zu vereinfachen. Der interne Wissenstransfer zwischen den Mitarbeitern wird sichergestellt.
4) Quantitative Risk Assessment and Contingency Sizing How increased accuracy can help bring costs down |
Company / Unternehmen: SgurrEnergy
Speaker / Referent: Raya Peterson
Quantitative Risk Assessment and Contingency Sizing How increased accuracy can help bring costs down
Company / Unternehmen: SgurrEnergy
Speaker / Referent: Raya Peterson
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) using Monte Carlo simulation techniques can be used to quantify the combined effects of all risks and uncertainties, both negative and positive, on the different project objectives. As such, this approach can for example be used to calculate the risks of cost or schedule overruns at different confidence levels. Depending on the desired certainty different contingency levels can thus be added to the project budget or milestone dates.
SgurrEnergy has significant experience in providing contingency sizing for offshore wind farms for both lenders and investors from our various technical advisory assignments. Furthermore we are able to continually improve the integrity and robustness of our approaches from the experience gathered during our construction monitoring and operational monitoring of offshore wind farms.
Today we are finding that QRA is increasingly being used to estimate contingency requirements for offshore wind farms, compared to rule of thumb figures applied only years ago. However, it is critical to understand that the integrity and success of using this technique depends heavily on the experience of the user, the integrity of the underlying risk register and assumptions made during the simulation. The approach can be easily subject to bias, compound underestimation of the project risk profile and thereby provide a false sense of security.
During this presentation SgurrEnergy will introduce the QRA process, present examples of how this is used to inform contingency sizing and how Sgurrenergy uses stress testing as additional integrity checks. Finally during the presentation information will be provide how pitfalls can be avoided and common biases can be addressed during the QRA process. The conclusion will show how offshore wind projects with low risk profiles can benefit from this approach and how increased accuracy of the contingency sizing has the potential to bring overall costs down.
5) On the Way to Lowering Costs for Offshore Wind Energy |
A focus on engineering und operation concepts
Company / Unternehmen: Vattenfall Europe Windkraft
Speaker / Referent: Felix Würtenberger
On the Way to Lowering Costs for Offshore Wind Energy
Company / Unternehmen: Vattenfall Europe Windkraft
Speaker / Referent: Felix Würtenberger
Bis Mitte 2014 werden in Deutschland und Großbritannien wieder klare politische Rahmenbedingungen für Offshore Wind hergestellt sein. Nach der Überarbeitung des EEGs sowie dem EMR können Investoren Entscheidungen treffen, für welche Projekte Investition möglich sind und welche Projekte verschoben oder aufgegeben werden. Es ist zu erwarten, dass insbesondere die EMR-Ergebnisse zu einer Abkühlung der Investitionstätigkeiten in Großbritannien führen.
Für die Herausforderung der Kostensenkung in Offshore bedeutet dies, dass weiterhin die Potentiale, die sich aus der Bündelung von Volumen in Pipelinestrategien ergeben, nur anteilig nutzbar sind. Im Fokus der Kostensenkung stehen daher das Engineering von Einzelprojekten sowie Betriebskonzepte.
Im Zentrum dieser Präsentation stehen Betriebskonzepte für Windparks. Kostensenkungspotentiale können in drei Bereichen erzielt werden. A) Clustereffekte, B) Einkaufsstrategien und C) Erfahrung. In einem weiteren Abschnitt der Präsentation werden Beispiele für Engineeringarbeiten z.B. bei Fundamenten vorgestellt. Diese Kostensenkungen sind unabhängig von der Größe der Projektpipeline realisierbar.
Eine Bewertung der Kostenpotentiale erfolgt anhand der Levelized Energy Costs. Der Vortrag zeigt Beispiele für Kostensenkungseffekte bei Investitions- und Betriebskosten. Die vielseitigen Wirkungen auf CAPEX, OPEX sowie Produktion werden dabei verdeutlicht.
6) Approach to industrial jacket fabrication |
Company / Unternehmen: WeserWind GmbH Offshore Construction Georgsmarienhütte
Speaker / Referent: Dr Sigurd Weise
Approach to industrial jacket fabrication
Company / Unternehmen: WeserWind GmbH Offshore Construction Georgsmarienhütte
Speaker / Referent: Dr Sigurd Weise
standortgerecht - beschaffungsgerecht – fertigungsgerecht – installationsgerecht - betriebsgerecht
In den vergangenen Jahren konnte anhand der Tripodfertigung gezeigt werden, dass sich aufgelöste Tragstrukturen für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen mit hoher Produktionsleistung und Zuverlässigkeit herstellen lassen. Das Ziel der Industrialisierung des Jacketbaus ist es nun, die der Bauweise innewohnenden Material-, Zeit- und damit Kosteneinsparpotentiale durch Paarung mit den jüngsten Erfahrungen der Serienfertigung nutzbar zu machen. Aus Sicht des Stahlbauers gelingt die gegenseitige Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen des Standortes, der Beschaffung, der Fertigung sowie des Transportes und der Installation sowie des Betriebes noch nicht in ausreichendem Maß. Daher widmet sich der Vortrag diesem Themenkomplex am Beispiel einer dreibeinigen Jacket-Gründungsstruktur.
Jacketbauweisen bieten das Potential, bei minimalem Gewicht zu ca. 50% Rohre aus der Produktion von Rohrwerken für den Leitungsbau in der Primärstruktur einzusetzen. Leitungsrohre sind kostengünstiger als auf Biegewalzen hergestellte Großrohre. Zur besseren Baubarkeit und Eignung für die Fließfertigung werden wesentliche Konstruktionsregeln hergeleitet. Aus Sicht der Serienfertigung wohnt dem dreibeinigen Jacket der Vorteil inne, weniger Grundfläche in Anspruch zu nehmen als vierbeinige Strukturen. Dies spielt bei der Flächenplanung in den Endmontagelinien, im Auslieferungslager und auf den Installationsschiffen eine entscheidende Rolle. Der Vorteil der statischen Bestimmtheit einer dreibeinigen Gründung erhält im Zusammenhang mit dem Prepiling eine überragende Bedeutung, da es bei der Installation nach Einsetzen des Jackets in die vorgerammten Pfähle während des Abbindens des Betons dank der statisch bestimmten Lagerung zu keinen Relativbewegungen zwischen Jacket und Rammpfahl kommen kann.
Bauherren, Betreiber, Planer und Hersteller sollten zukünftig gemeinsame Anstrengungen unternehmen, um den Anforderungen aus der Installations- und Betriebsphase an die bauliche Ausgestaltung der Tragstrukturen größere Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.
7) Approaches for Cost Reduction along the Entire Supply Chain |
Company / Unternehmen: Dr. Möller GmbH / IMS Nord
Speaker / Referent: Carsten Engel
Approaches for Cost Reduction along the Entire Supply Chain
Company / Unternehmen: Dr. Möller GmbH / IMS Nord
Speaker / Referent: Carsten Engel
Cost reduction seems to be the main goal in the future development of offshore windfarms. World market leader’s ambitious target is a cost reduction of 40% until 2020.
There is not only the tendency to organize scope-splits in a very detailed manner, sometimes there are widely distributed orders for the same component.
The market needs
- Intelligent tailor made education & training for offshore specialists
- Methods for planning and steering according to an overall time schedule including capacity planning (realistic planning!)
- Industrialized production as a common pre-requisite
- Standardization in logistics (for instance loading equipment, useable not only for production but also for transportation means)
- Revised logistical strategies (feeders, hub-and-spoke systems)
- Newly developed port infrastructure and dedicated terminals
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session C: Germanys lessons learnt and outlook
National Projects: Experiences and Outlook from Germany
1) From pioneer work to commercial work |
Differences between the first offshore wind farm alpha ventus and the first commercial wind farm Riffgat in the German North Sea
Company / Unternehmen: EWE Offshore Service & Solutions GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Irina Lucke
From pioneer work to commercial work
Company / Unternehmen: EWE Offshore Service & Solutions GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Irina Lucke
In 2005 the development of the first German offshore wind farm alpha ventus begann. Germany was not yet prepared for offshore wind energy. The development of the first wind farm could not rely on experiences nor standards. Join a journey through time and see the changes Germany´s offshore branch has experienced within the last 8 years.
2) Challenges during the construction of the Meerwind Süd/ Ost offshore wind farm |
Company / Unternehmen: WindMW GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Jens Assheuer
Challenges during the construction of the Meerwind Süd/ Ost offshore wind farm
Company / Unternehmen: WindMW GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Jens Assheuer
3) Lessons learnt and outlook: Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm |
Company / Unternehmen: RWE Innogy GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Marcel Sunier
Lessons learnt and outlook: Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm
Company / Unternehmen: RWE Innogy GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Marcel Sunier
In this presentation Marcel Sunier, Project Director, Offshore Wind Farm Nordsee Ost, RWE Innogy GmbH, will show the lessons learned during the preparation and implementation of the project..
The lessons learned will focus on installation and preparation for
- Meteorological Mast
- Foundations
- Wind Turbines
- Offshore Substation
The presentation will also cover an outlook and expectations until the end of the project and how risks are mitigated by avoiding already made mistakes.
4) Update Amrumbank West |
Proven technology and innovation in the implementation phase
Company / Unternehmen: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Speaker / Referent: Dominik Schwegmann
Update Amrumbank West
Company / Unternehmen: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Speaker / Referent: Dominik Schwegmann
5) Gode Wind - The next generation wind farm |
Company / Unternehmen: Dong Energy
Speaker / Referent: Volker Malmen
Gode Wind - The next generation wind farm
Company / Unternehmen: Dong Energy
Speaker / Referent: Volker Malmen
- Project Overview and key components used
- Focus area 1
- Focus area 2,
With 97 6MW turbines and 582MW total capacity, Gode Wind will be the largest offshore wind farm in Germany. The construction will start in the first half of 2015, full commissioning is planned for end of 2016. We will set new standards, turbine used as well as the construction time.
6) The Butendiek Challenge - Structure, Experience and Status |
Company / Unternehmen: wpd offshore solutions GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Martin Lehnhoff
The Butendiek Challenge - Structure, Experience and Status
Company / Unternehmen: wpd offshore solutions GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Martin Lehnhoff
The Butendiek wind farm is one of the first commercial offshore wind farms in Germany, that is project financed by a medium sized enterprise together with equity partners. This approach seems to become more and more attractive in the German offshore business. However, compared to other structures, it requires a number of special measures regarding contracting as well as the management of interfaces and risks.
The presentation will show, how the Butendiek Offshore Wind Farm was structured with regards to the main supply contracts, the management of the design and manufacturing process as well as the installation in order to fulfil the demands of the financing strategy. It will especially elaborate on the experience with this concept and the lessons learnt from it
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session D: International Markets
Offshore Markets: International Developments and Political Objectives
1) Offshore Wind - a European Outlook |
Company / Unternehmen: EWEA
Speaker / Referent: Dr Andrew Garrad
Offshore Wind - a European Outlook
Company / Unternehmen: EWEA
Speaker / Referent: Dr Andrew Garrad
2) The Importance of Offshore-Windenergy in the Energy Sector and for the German Energiewende |
A Study
Company / Unternehmen: Stiftung Offshore Windenergie
Speaker / Referent: Dr Dennis Kruse
The Importance of Offshore-Windenergy in the Energy Sector and for the German Energiewende
Company / Unternehmen: Stiftung Offshore Windenergie
Speaker / Referent: Dr Dennis Kruse
Offshore wind energy is absolutely essential to achieve the energy transition in Germany. The present study shows that offshore wind will ensure security of supply, system quality, and affordable overall costs in the future energy system, thanks to its excellent power plant characteristics. Wind turbines at sea can provide electricity almost every single hour of the year with about as many operating hours as conventional power plants; they produce power about 340 days per year, and that power production can be forecast fairly accurately.The present study analyzed the feasibility, functionality, and system costs for energy supply in the year 2050 based on three scenarios. Renewable energy provides 80 percent of final energy demand in all three scenarios but in different proportions. Potential limits are defined for onshore wind, offshore wind, and photovoltaics that constitute sensible expansion in terms of both economic and societal aspects. Exporting power to the grid from fluctuating renewable energy sources requires greater flexibility in the form of back-up and storage capacity as well as curtailment. In the scenario with the highest share of offshore wind energy (optimized growth scenario), this factor is much less of a concern. Flexibility costs are significantly lower than in the comparison scenarios with a high share of onshore wind energy (onshore growth scenario) or photovoltaics (photovoltaics growth scenario). There are also positive effects on overall costs – all power production costs and flexibility costs combined – with high savings compared to the other scenarios. A renewable energy mix with a large share of offshore wind energy is therefore more cost-effective in the long term than a generation mix without this technology. Technologies that can stabilize and balance power supply are key to the overall efficiency of the energy system. Offshore wind energy could play a leading role.
3) KPMG Offshore Wind Study 2013 - The industry seen by the stakeholders |
Company / Unternehmen: KPMG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Speaker / Referent: Rainer Heidorn
KPMG Offshore Wind Study 2013 - The industry seen by the stakeholders
Company / Unternehmen: KPMG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Speaker / Referent: Rainer Heidorn
Some of the results of KPMG’s 2013 Offshore Wind Study will be presented. The study is substantially based on interviews KPMG has conducted with decision-makers of relevant stakeholders in the market such as developers, investors, banks, suppliers, insurers and grid operators. Key issues are:
- The development in Germany and UK since 2010
- Hurdles of offshore expansion
- Cost degression
- Future vision and industry outlook
4) The French market past, present and future: |
A developing market for the foreseeable future
Company / Unternehmen: Green Giraffe Energy Bankers
Speaker / Referent: Pierre-Etienne Claveranne, France
The French market past, present and future:
Company / Unternehmen: Green Giraffe Energy Bankers
Speaker / Referent: Pierre-Etienne Claveranne, France
The presentation will describe the regulatory framework applicable to offshore wind in France, and in particular present the rules and the results of the two rounds of public tendering that took place in 2011 and 2013, with the players involved and those selected. It will indicate the likely timetable for the construction of these projects, and comment more specifically on the grid connection principles and the local supply chain requirements, and how these are being managed by turbine manufacturers and other participants.
GGEB advised EDF and DONG in their participation to the tender and can provide comprehensive insight on the process. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of the likely financing schemes for these projects in the wider European context.
5) New offshore wind developments in the Netherlands |
Ambitious roll-out plans and cost reduction targets in a new regulatory system.
Company / Unternehmen: TKI - Wind op Zee
Speaker / Referent: Bob Meijer, Netherlands
New offshore wind developments in the Netherlands
Company / Unternehmen: TKI - Wind op Zee
Speaker / Referent: Bob Meijer, Netherlands
6) 39 GW by 2030 - UK Offshore Wind Market Development and Opportunities |
Company / Unternehmen: UK Trade & Investment / Offshore Wind Investment Organisation
Speaker / Referent: James Beal, Great Britain
39 GW by 2030 - UK Offshore Wind Market Development and Opportunities
Company / Unternehmen: UK Trade & Investment / Offshore Wind Investment Organisation
Speaker / Referent: James Beal, Great Britain
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 1 – 3 p.m. - Lunch + Trade Fair
We have organized an Lunch bufett for all conference participants in the Hall 4.
The exhibitor will be very glad for an visit at there bothes in Hall 5.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 3 – 5 p.m. - Session E: Offshore-Substations
Offshore Substations: Installation and Operation
1) Looking Back and Ahead – What Are We Learning from the Construction, Transport and Installation of Offshore Platforms? |
Company / Unternehmen: Alstom Grid / Technologiekontor Bremerhaven
Speaker / Referent: Sven Höpfner / Dr. Falk Lüddecke
Looking Back and Ahead – What Are We Learning from the Construction, Transport and Installation of Offshore Platforms?
Company / Unternehmen: Alstom Grid / Technologiekontor Bremerhaven
Speaker / Referent: Sven Höpfner / Dr. Falk Lüddecke
2) Service of offshore substations: interdisciplinary, challenging, exciting! |
Company / Unternehmen: Deutsche Windtechnik AG
Speaker / Referent: Matthias Brandt
Service of offshore substations: interdisciplinary, challenging, exciting!
Company / Unternehmen: Deutsche Windtechnik AG
Speaker / Referent: Matthias Brandt
Service for Offshore Substations – interdisciplinary, challenging, exciting!
Substations are the central interface for electricity transmission from offshore wind farms to the mainland. Consistent operation must be guaranteed at any time and the timeframe for services must be kept to a minimum. Especially working offshore is not a simple task because maintenance for offshore substations requires skilled coordination of a number of different disciplines: besides typical tasks within the range of substation maintenance, also generator, switchgear, HSE technique and many other components are in need of professional service and also suitable communication must be provided. Which building and maintenance concepts do make sense to meet the requirements of this particular multidisciplinarity? And who has the central responsibility?
The speech shows the challenges service providers have to cope within the range of offshore substation maintenance. Examples from a recent offshore project by Deutsche Windtechnik will show some insights in practice.
3) Offshore substation realisation, improving the quality - reducing the risk |
Company / Unternehmen: DNV GL Energy
Speaker / Referent: Peter Vaessen, NL
Offshore substation realisation, improving the quality - reducing the risk
Company / Unternehmen: DNV GL Energy
Speaker / Referent: Peter Vaessen, NL
TenneT is working on the realisation of several offshore substations for the connection of multiple windfarms. Project schedules are tight and the technical challenges high. This calls for innovative solutions during the production phase without compromising on the quality or increasing the risk. In this presentation a project in progress will be described, the challenges highlighted that were and are still being faced to keep the project schedule. Innovative mitigation actions are described to improve the quality and reduce the risk. A conclusion with lessons learned is presented.
4) Standardisation of Transformer Substations for Offshore Wind Energy |
Standardised transformer substations with modular construction and equipment for offshore wind energy have a positive effect on the costs, quality and manufacturing times of large offshore projects and on their maintenance
Company / Unternehmen: Oforny GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Falk Steinert
Standardisation of Transformer Substations for Offshore Wind Energy
Company / Unternehmen: Oforny GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Falk Steinert
Eine Umspannplattform dient folgenden Zwecken:
- Zusammenführen des produzierten Stroms eines Offshore-Windparks
- Umspannen auf eine verlustarme Transportspannung zu einer HGÜ-Plattform des Netzbetreibers („Steckdose“ in der Nordsee) oder direkt an Land
- Wartungs- und Steuerungsstützpunkt für den Offshore-Windpark
Bisher ist jede Station ein Unikat, obwohl die Funktionalität Strom zu sammeln und weiter zu transportieren bei jeder gleich ist. Durch die Standardisierung und Modularisierung, analog Schiffbau und Flugzeugbau, ist eine erhebliche Kostenreduzierung möglich. Ebenfalls kann somit das zeitliche Fertigstellungsrisiko nahezu ausgeschlossen werden.
Unser Konzept verfolgt folgende Ziele:
- Verringerung der Kosten für Konzeption, Planung, Projektierung und Fertigung
- Vereinfachung der Konstruktion
- Erhöhung der Qualität
- Verringerung der Fertigungsdauer
- Wirtschaftliches Wartungskonzept
Die Erfahrungen der Entwicklungs-Partner erlaubt eine standardisierte Bauweise durch Zusammenfügen des spezifischen Know-hows, welches bei dem Bau unterschiedlicher Trafostationen gewonnen werden konnte.
Dieses, gekoppelt an die Erfahrungen aus dem Schiffbau, führt zu einer Verringerung der Fertigung-dauer und ermöglicht zudem eine vereinfachte Konstruktion sowie eine deutliche Erhöhung der Qualität.
Durch ein vereinheitlichtes Baukonzept kommt man, in Verbindung mit Lessons learned-Effekten aus durchgeführten Projekten, dann auch zu Betriebs- und Wartungskonzepten, die während der Betriebsphase wirtschaftlicher sind.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 3 – 5 p.m. - Session F: International projects
International Projects: Experiences and Outlook
1) Lessons learned in UK offshore wind farm developments |
Underestimating construction and installation times and costs
Company / Unternehmen: SgurrEnergy
Speaker / Referent: Matthias Henke
Lessons learned in UK offshore wind farm developments
Company / Unternehmen: SgurrEnergy
Speaker / Referent: Matthias Henke
The European offshore wind industry, especially in Germany, has expanded rapidly in recent years. Germany especially has the potential to achieve substantial growth rates in the coming years and potentially overtake the UK and industry leader in terms of installed capacity.
However, construction costs are not reducing as project numbers increase, and in many cases budget over runs and construction delays have actually become more common place. Many German projects have been affected by a combination of grid and supply chain difficulties.
SgurrEnergy, as the world leader in lender technical advisory services to the offshore wind industry, will discuss real life issues and solutions from across the industry highlighting common risks and mistakes, and how these can be, and have been, successfully overcome. Recent experiences from offshore wind farm developments in the UK and other European countries will be analysed and the lessons learned summarized. In particular issues with underestimating construction and installation times and costs will be addressed as well as tools to reduce related risks.
The presentation will conclude with a discussion of how project delivery can be improved over the short term to support the ongoing growth of the German (and European) market.
2) From bottleneck to oversupply? |
Do current vessel specifications meet the coming market requirements?
Company / Unternehmen: DNV GL
Speaker / Referent: Peter Frohböse
From bottleneck to oversupply?
Company / Unternehmen: DNV GL
Speaker / Referent: Peter Frohböse
In the offshore wind industry new main installation vessels appeared in the market over the last 2-3 years. The supply chain and associated investors have recognised the opportunities that the “bottleneck” of 2007-2008 brought about. However - Are we now in danger of moving from famine to feast? Further we have to clarify - Are current vessel specifications meeting current and future market requirements?
In this work, the experts answer these questions by analysing two databases: The first tracks offshore wind vessels themselves including key specifications and commercial details of capital spend etc for all existing, new-build and planned offshore wind installation vessels. The second monitors future offshore wind projects and includes calculations of demand for installation services based on nominal engineering assumptions. Following the supply-demand gap analysis, we have carried out research using the same databases to determine the suitability of the key specifications of the current and new-build fleet of self-propelled jack-ups targeting the offshore wind sector for wind turbine erection options. Also the support structures (foundations) have also been considered as an accessible secondary market, here also the competition with floating vessels will be encountered. The analysis shows that in the short-term the existing and new-build fleet is well positioned to meet market needs, but many vessels will become marginalised beyond five years, as projects are constructed in deeper waters with heavier components.
We conclude by examining the impact that radical new approaches to offshore wind installation could have on the industry and the potential influence of this on the appetite for investment in further vessels. The implications for project financing of adopting these more exotic solutions shall be discussed and conclusions drawn on the likely mix of established and advanced techniques in light of this.
3) The financing of the Gemini 600 MW offshore wind project in the Netherlands |
The largest ever non recourse financing
Company / Unternehmen: Green Giraffe Energy Bankers
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Jérôme Guillet, France
The financing of the Gemini 600 MW offshore wind project in the Netherlands
Company / Unternehmen: Green Giraffe Energy Bankers
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Jérôme Guillet, France
By the time of the conference, the Gemini project financing will have closed, or be very close to doing so. This presentation will describe the project, its shareholders, its contractual structure, the (proposed) financing terms and what it means for the market. It will explain how the project was structured from the start to be "bankable", what the main risks were from the banks' perspective, and how these could be mitigated.
The presentation will also explain the Dutch regime for offshore wind, and in particular the SDE regime, and explain how it is very favorable to project finance.
If the transaction has closed by the time of the transaction, the names of the lenders, their commitments and roles will naturally be included as well.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 - 3 – 5 p.m. - Session G: Safety for offshore work
Safety in Offshore Working and Diving Operations: Concepts and Solutions
1) Guidance for diving on Renewable Energy Projects |
Company / Unternehmen: Nordseetaucher GmbH in co-operation with the EDTC-European Diving Technology Committee
Speaker / Referent: Rob Borgonjen
Guidance for diving on Renewable Energy Projects
Company / Unternehmen: Nordseetaucher GmbH in co-operation with the EDTC-European Diving Technology Committee
Speaker / Referent: Rob Borgonjen
This guidance are intended to cover all diving operations carried out in connection with Renewable Energy Projects.
This includes Inshore and Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy Production and distribution schemes.
2) Opting for Second Best in Safety? Vessels as a High-Performance Resource |
Company / Unternehmen: Bugsier-, Reederei- und Bergungs-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Speaker / Referent: Carsten Wibel
Opting for Second Best in Safety? Vessels as a High-Performance Resource
Company / Unternehmen: Bugsier-, Reederei- und Bergungs-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Speaker / Referent: Carsten Wibel
Unfälle oder andere akute – medizinische oder technische – Notfälle in Offshore-Windparks benötigen unverzüglich Maßnahmen, um planvoll und zielgerichtet zu handeln, Hilfe zu leisten, Schäden zu minimieren oder Folgen zu bekämpfen. Das Einfliegen von Einsatzkräften per Hubschrauber ist ein wichtiger und unverzichtbarer, aber nur begrenzt leistungsfähiger Bestandteil einer offshore-tauglichen Notfallplanung.
Die Nutzung vorhandener geeigneter, für den Betrieb im Windpark eingesetzter Wasserfahrzeuge als Einsatzmittel und ihrer Besatzungen als Einsatzkräfte kann die Sicherheit erhöhen, Hilfsfristen deutlich verkürzen und gleichzeitig Kosten senken. Im Vortrag werden anhand von bewährten Beispielen aus der Hochseefischerei, der Marine, der Offshore-Öl- & Gas-Industrie und der Seebergung von der Bugsier entwickelte Lösungen und Möglichkeiten vorgestellt und erläutert.
Schwerpunkte des Vortrags sind
- die sichere Übergabe von Einsatzpersonal und –mittel zur Versorgung von Verunfallten oder Erkrankten auf Offshore-WEAs,
- die sichere Übernahme von versorgten Verunfallten oder Erkrankten von Offshore-WEAs auf geeignete Wasserfahrzeuge,
- die sichere Personal-Evakuierung von Offshore-Windparks bei Kollisionsgefahr, Feuer oder anderen Notfällen sowie
- die effektive Eindämmung und Bekämpfung von Bränden in Offshore-Windparks.
3) Shared offshore coordination centre: |
Reducing investments, synchronising operations, sharing transport capacities
Company / Unternehmen: EMS Maritime Offshore
Speaker / Referent: Thomas van der Laan
Shared offshore coordination centre:
Company / Unternehmen: EMS Maritime Offshore
Speaker / Referent: Thomas van der Laan
Für den Bau eines Offshore-Windparks muss der Bauherr eine Organisationseinheit zur maritimen Koordination aufbauen. Deren Kernaufgabe ist die Sicherstellung der maritimen Genehmigungsauflagen aus der BSH-Genehmigung und die Einhaltung des Schutz- und Sicherheitskonzepts. Dafür muss u.a. die Konformität aller Schiffe und deren Besatzungen mit den geltenden Regularien im Vorfeld geprüft, die Kapitäne der Schiffe mit den Besonderheiten des Baufelds vertraut gemacht (z.B. Ankerverbotszonen, etc. ) sowie der tägliche Schiffsverkehr rund um die Uhr koordiniert werden.
Als Grundlage für die Arbeit der maritimen Koordinatoren sind technische Voraussetzungen zu schaffen. U.a. muss ein System zur Seeraumüberwachung angeschafft werden, dessen Investitionskosten im sechsstelligen Bereich liegen. Diese Investition, als auch die Beschäftigung des nautischen Personals wird derzeit von jedem Windpark-Projekt vorgenommen.
Im Ausland gibt es bereits erste Ansätze diese Aufgaben gemeinschaftlich zu organisieren. Diesem Ansatz folgend hat die WINDEA Offshore GmbH & Co. KG mit Ihrem Gesellschafter EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH ein Offshore Coordination Center eingerichtet, welches die Dienstleistungen für mehrere Windparks erbringen kann.
Auf den ersten Blick ergibt sich schon ein Einsparpotenzial im sechsstelligen Bereich für die Betreiber, durch den Wegfall der Investition in ein eigenes System zur Seeraumüberwachung und die Bereithaltung von eigenem Personal. Darüber hinaus bietet eine gemeinsame Koordinationsstelle nun auch endlich die Basis für die gemeinsame Nutzung von Ressourcen, wie etwa Versorgungsschiffen. Jetzt lassen sich z.B. windparkübergreifende Versorgungsfahrten realisieren, wie Sie in der Öl- und Gas- Industrie schon lange üblich sind.
4) Simulation Training for Offshore Emergency Care |
Demands for and Experiences from Patient Simulation Trainings
Company / Unternehmen: ADAC Luftrettung gGmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Matthias Ruppert
Simulation Training for Offshore Emergency Care
Company / Unternehmen: ADAC Luftrettung gGmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Matthias Ruppert
For the majority of offshore wind energy farms helicopter based emergency services have been established. The response systems involve typically company structures, one or more dispatch centers, responders on scene, the helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) itself and often some sort of medical control or supervision. In addition – at least in more complex scenarios – companies´ crisis management and state or federal authorities have to be involved.
The incidence of emergencies in this context is rare and human factors play a crucial part in managing the broad variety of possible offshore emergencies. Therefore it appears mandatory to train processes in simulated scenarios of medical emergencies by the use of patient simulators and under the supervision of experienced trainers.
Several factors are crucial to establish successful training formats which also allow to evaluate established rescue plans and strategies including the identification of potentials for improvement. These extensive simulation trainings need to be configured by experts from all authorities involved.
The cooperation of Wiking Helikopter Service and ADAC Luftrettung conducted predominantly together with offshore industry partners several of those trainings under realistic circumstances – universally valid experiences and some of the lessons learned will be presented.
5) Safe Work and Safe Rescue in Offshore Operations |
How to ensure best possible safety for work at heights in offshore wind turbines; and how to go about incident management in case of accidents
Company / Unternehmen: Kletter-Spezial-Einheit GmbH & Co. KG
Speaker / Referent: Bernd Kleinhenz
Safe Work and Safe Rescue in Offshore Operations
Company / Unternehmen: Kletter-Spezial-Einheit GmbH & Co. KG
Speaker / Referent: Bernd Kleinhenz
Wind turbines generally speaking consist of a wide variety of work environments that are difficult to reach and even more difficult to leave, let alone evacuate. When work has to be performed in places that by definition are mostly in working edge hazard zones, three paradigms must be applied:
1. Perfect preparation
Any work at heights access requires professional risk assessment and method statement documentation. Pragmatic yet comprehensive guidelines are a must as to how to go about the work tasks without putting staff at risk. It is particularly essential to understand upfront for which tasks and which work situation standard PPE training is NOT sufficient. If educated rope access technicians are to be deployed they have to have the experience and discipline to act in accordance with international standards.
2. Provide education, training and proper equipment
A wide variety of training suppliers and equipment manufacturers exist who provide good services for staff working in hazard zones. However, it is essential that an end-to-end view on the specifics of the work place is provided and experienced specialist trainers are in place. Standard GWO BST PPE training for working at heights is good, but no more than the bare minimum requirement.
3. Ensure professional accident management
The ultimate test comes in situations when something happens. Not necessarily fatal incidents are the issue. Sometimes simple injuries and indispositions require support and rescue tasks that are far beyond the ability of technicians and workers who happen to be onsite. Specialized rescue and first responder obligations require expertise, experience, preparation and rescue equipment.
While response times onshore are a challenge, arrival times of the regular rescue chain in offshore locations are far from medical requirements.
6) Life-threatening accident challenges the teams at the offshore wind farm Global Tech I |
First comprehensive rescue exercise in the offshore wind market in Germany confirms effectiveness of HOCHTIEF’s rescue concept
Company / Unternehmen: HOCHTIEF Solutions AG Civil Engineering Marine and Offshore
Speaker / Referent: Dirk Schreiber
Life-threatening accident challenges the teams at the offshore wind farm Global Tech I
Company / Unternehmen: HOCHTIEF Solutions AG Civil Engineering Marine and Offshore
Speaker / Referent: Dirk Schreiber
Emergency planning is a key element of the health and safety organization. The objective is to ensure emergency preparedness and provide means for mitigating the consequences of emergencies, in order to protect the health and welfare of employees and others who may be affected by the company’s activities, as well as reducing damage to property and the environment. This is important in all areas of industry, but is especially critical when working in an offshore environment. Offshore emergencies can quickly develop into a highly complex situation. On an offshore installation, the probability that an accident leads to a severe accident is higher due to adverse environment conditions and the nature of the activities carried out.
HOCHTIEF CEM has developed its own emergency and rescue concept against the background of the potentially more dangerous activities on board of installation vessels and the difficulties in accessing such vessels in the case of an emergency.
With the aim of testing this concept under realistic conditions, HOCHTIEF CEM conducted at the end of September 2013 the first comprehensive rescue exercise in the offshore wind market in Germany. Together with its partners, the team practiced all processes related to the emergency rescue and the transportation of a severely injured offshore worker on the HOCHTIEF jack-up vessel Thor — approximately 180 kilometers off the coast of Bremerhaven. The exercise involved very sophisticated planning and implementation. A remote-controlled dummy was used to simulate a severely injured worker whose lower left leg had been amputated by a broken wire.
The exercise confirmed the effectiveness of the emergency concept and showed that the key focus for emergency response on offshore projects should remain on providing advanced life support and optimizing the response time. The findings of the exercise will be the basis for optimizing emergency processes, training and related response arrangements.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 8 – 9.30 a.m. - Breakfast - Session H: Floating Foundations
Floating Foundations: New Developments and the Next Steps
1) The GICON®-TLP for wind turbines |
An economical and ecological floating foundation solution
Company / Unternehmen: GICON® – Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Frank Adam
The GICON®-TLP for wind turbines
Company / Unternehmen: GICON® – Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Frank Adam
Based on the proportional relationship between affluence and energy consumption, emerging markets haveincreasing energy requirements in the next decades. Just like the established markets such as the United States, Europe or Japan,the emerging markets are dramatically increasing industrial capacitywithincreasedenergy demand. Renewable energy sources considering ecological and economical aspects as part of the process,will play a major role in supplying these extended energy requirements.
Offshore wind parks can become an important pillar to supplythe increasing energy demandwhile considering ecological aspects. For example there is a great potential for offshore wind farms off the coast of the European Union in the range of 30 m up to 200 m water depths. About 2/3 of this area is deeper than 60 m. Due to the fact, that fixed foundations are not economical in this water depth, new foundation concepts need tobe developed.
The GICON®-TLP could be an economical as well asecological solution to meet this objective.In addition to major stability advantages, the GICON®-TLP offers additional, substantial economic benefits such as e.g. significant reduction of required steel mass andcomplete land-based fabrication and transport of the complete structure including tower and turbine in vertical position to the offshore deployment location. Scale model tests have confirmed that towingof the overall system including fully assembled wind turbine is in good accordance withappliedDNV standards.
Economic viability analyses by ECOVIS at benchmark calculations using data from the study by Fichtner show that the GICON®-TLP can achieve power generation costs of € 0.09/kWh already before 2020 when using a 6 MW turbine.
Based on different tank testresults the basic and detail design for the prototype are currently being finalized. Fabrication and deployment of a full scale prototype in the Baltic Sea is planned for 2014/15.
2) Individual Wave Fields and Wave Forecast from X-Band Marine Radar |
Increasing safety and efficency for offshore operations
Company / Unternehmen: OceanWaveS GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Christian Boddenberg
Individual Wave Fields and Wave Forecast from X-Band Marine Radar
Company / Unternehmen: OceanWaveS GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Christian Boddenberg
The Offshore industry employs many vessels and floating structures which are subject to wave induced motions which are limiting their operation. Several offshore operations such as the set-down of a module, the tensioning of a tanker or the landing of a helicopter, need just a short period of quiescent vessel motions to be conducted safely. Thus, a system to predict such short periods of quiescent vessel motions a few minutes in advance could increase safety and reduce the costly waiting times.
WaMoS II is a wave and current measurement device based on nautical X-Band radar. It provides real time unambiguous statistical wave parameters and wave spectra. As the wave observation is carried out in space and time it is very well suited to observe multi modal sea states (swells and wind seas) and also the underlying current field.
OceanWaveS is currently participating in several research projects using an inversion scheme to retrieve deterministic spatial and temporal sea surface information from nautical radar imagery. Here the potential use of deterministic sea state information with respect to different kind of off-shore activities are discussed. Further results of different validation approaches for deterministic wave information with respect to standard spatial or temporal sea state measurement are presented. A comparison between horizontally polarized and vertically polarized radar transmission will be shown. An outlook on how to use deterministic sea state for short term wave forecast to predict ship’s motion will be given.
3) Floating concepts |
Company / Unternehmen: DNV GL
Speaker / Referent: Johan Sandberg, Norway
Floating concepts
Company / Unternehmen: DNV GL
Speaker / Referent: Johan Sandberg, Norway
4) New markets: changing the paradigm offshore wind |
Company / Unternehmen: Principle Power Inc.
Speaker / Referent: Alla Weinstein
New markets: changing the paradigm offshore wind
Company / Unternehmen: Principle Power Inc.
Speaker / Referent: Alla Weinstein
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session I: Corrosion protection
Corrosion Protection: Systems for Offshore Wind Energy / Installation / Life Cycle Cost Reduction / Experiences / Processes / Case Studies
1) Overview of Zinc-Based Galvanic Corrosion Systems for Offshore Wind Energy Structures |
Company / Unternehmen: International Zinc Association
Speaker / Referent: Frank E. Goodwin, Belgium
Overview of Zinc-Based Galvanic Corrosion Systems for Offshore Wind Energy Structures
Company / Unternehmen: International Zinc Association
Speaker / Referent: Frank E. Goodwin, Belgium
The use of zinc-based galvanic corrosion systems to protect steel structures in offshore wind energy service are reviewed. These include an update of the well-known uses of thermal sprayed zinc and zinc-rich high performance paints in atmospheric exposures, zinc anodes for immersion exposures, but also less well known uses including Lifejacket® rolled zinc anodes for inter-tidal and immersion applications, the use of galvanized reinforcing bars in concrete structures and experience with the use of sprayed zinc to protect the surface of concrete in severe marine exposures. The relative advantages of each system and their value in specific offshore wind energy corrosion protection strategies are reviewed.
®Trademark of Jarden Zinc Products
2) Corrosion resistance of protective paint systems applied on steel structures in marine and offshore situations: experiences from the naval industry |
Company / Unternehmen: French Corrosion Institute
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Nathalie Le Bozec, France
Corrosion resistance of protective paint systems applied on steel structures in marine and offshore situations: experiences from the naval industry
Company / Unternehmen: French Corrosion Institute
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Nathalie Le Bozec, France
Corrosion resistance is an important property requirement for marine paint systems used in marine and offshore conditions (ships topsides and superstructureS, offshore platforms, wind energy installationS), which obliges testing the coating performance in order to make a durable selection of the paint systems. This can be achieved by performing laboratory accelerated corrosion tests recommended for C5M corrosivity class (in particular the standard neutral salt spray test ISO 9227 or the cyclic corrosion test ISO 20340-Annex A) which give results in a rather short delay (up to 6 months) compared to field exposures in marine atmospheres (several years). It is however well-known that these tests may not be fully representative of real environmental conditions.
The aims of the present study were to compare and estimate the correlation of various accelerated corrosion tests including standardized tests (ISO 9227, ISO 20340, ISO 16701) and newly developed test conditions to field exposures on worldwide operating ship and on conventional static marine atmospheric sites (C5M). Fifteen different marine paint systems commonly used for offshore and naval application were selected for the study. From the results, the exposure conditions on the container vessel were the most aggressive ones compared to static exposures after two years. The best correlation to such field exposure was observed using the cyclic test ISO 16701 with a deviation inferior to 25%, an acceleration factor of 4 and comparable corrosion aspect. If all testing conditions involving NaCl 5wt% (including ISO 20340) showed a superior acceleration factor (e.g. about 12), a larger deviation (50%) was however found indicating that these tests didn’t accelerate the corrosion degradation of the paint systems similarly to field exposures. In addition, conditions for an optimization of ISO 20340 annex A test were found.
3) Thermal Spray for Wind Turbines |
Application techniques of thermal spray coatings for corrosion protection of wind turbines
Company / Unternehmen: Metallisation Ltd
Speaker / Referent: Stuart Milton, UK
Thermal Spray for Wind Turbines
Company / Unternehmen: Metallisation Ltd
Speaker / Referent: Stuart Milton, UK
Thermal spray coatings have been used for corrosion protection since the early 1900’s, shortly after the process was invented and patented. From those early days of applying zinc by flame spraying, technology has developed to present day standards.
For the wind power generation industry, there is considerable focus on efficiency and reduction in operating costs, especially as the industry adopts more off-shore turbines where maintenance costs increase considerably.
Thermal spray coatings, with their proven pedigree for long term corrosion protection in such industries as oil and gas are becoming widely specified.
This presentation primarily focuses on techniques and technology to improve the efficiency of applying thermal spray coatings. Examples will be shown of some automation projects where typical savings of 40% of material usage are achieved.
Other examples will show how the application equipment used can simplify the task of manual spraying. Extended supplies packs make the application easier and create further savings in time and effort to apply the highest quality thermal spray coatings.
It is proposed that the application of automated spraying systems as used in some Oil and Gas applications should be strongly considered for similar applications in the Wind Power industry.
4) Thermal spraying with zinc and zinc alloys for Offshore Wind Energy Plants |
Company / Unternehmen: Grillo-Werke AG
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Frank Prenger
Thermal spraying with zinc and zinc alloys for Offshore Wind Energy Plants
Company / Unternehmen: Grillo-Werke AG
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Frank Prenger
Based on World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), Germany is a leading country in wind energy. This is mainly focused on the more than 20.000 onshore wind energy plants.
But for Offshore Wind Energy there is need to catch up for Germany with the leading countries in Europe, which are Denmark, UK and the Netherlands.
Metallizing of offshore windmill towers with zinc-aluminum for corrosion protection is a commonly used practice since more than 20 years for nearly all plants with best results. Also parts of high strength steel like bearings and the flanges of the tower segments are typically metallized.
The demand for thermal spraying on foundation structures especially in splash-water and tidal zone is rising, while the immersed zone is uncoated and protected with galvanic cathodic protection systems based mostly on aluminum type anodes.
This paper offers the latest state of art of corrosion protection with thermal spraying of zinc based alloys for offshore application. The project “CorProtect” is dealing with this application on fastener systems for fixing the rotor blades, nacelle and hubs. The public funded project is focused on the development of corrosion protection for fastener systems and the adaption of the thermal spaying technology to the demand of the screw thread. Beside laboratory corrosion tests the project includes also corrosion testis under practical conditions on the Helgoland Island.
5) Requirements on high-performance coating systems under low-temperature offshore conditions |
Long-life performance under harsh conditions
Company / Unternehmen: Muehlhan AG
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Andreas Momber
Requirements on high-performance coating systems under low-temperature offshore conditions
Company / Unternehmen: Muehlhan AG
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Andreas Momber
Organic coating systems have been investigated according to their performance under low-temperature offshore conditions. Three performance groups were considered: corrosion protection performance, performance under mechanical loads, and de-icing performance. The investigations involved the following tests: accelerated corrosion protection/ageing testing, anti-icing tests, tests for coating and ice adhesion, impact resistance tests, wear tests, and wettability tests. The test conditions were adapted to low-temperature offshore conditions, which covered temperatures down to -50 °C, dry-wet cycles, and UV radiation. Testing facilities for icing/de-icing performance tests have been developed. Standard offshore tests for corrosion protection assessment were partly modified. The coating systems investigated were organic coating systems with differed in generic coating material, number of layers, dry film thickness and application method. The first part of the paper reports about experimental design, the test methodologies, and test facilities used. The second part discusses the results of the investigations. Based on an assessment scheme, a ranking of coating systems is provided regarding their protection performance under Arctic offshore conditions. The investigations are part of a German, nationally funded Cluster Project “POLAR” (Production, Operation and Living in Arctic Regions).
6) Cost Reduction by Coating Inspection and Coating Damage Mitigation |
Company / Unternehmen: Pihl Expert GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Gunnar Pihl
Cost Reduction by Coating Inspection and Coating Damage Mitigation
Company / Unternehmen: Pihl Expert GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Gunnar Pihl
Die besondere Bedeutung der Beschichtungskontrolle und insbesondere die Schwierigkeiten bei der Beschichtungsschadenssvermeidung für den Korrossionsschutz werden dargestellt:
- Welche Anforderungen muss eine professionelle Beschichtung erfüllen (Details zu FROSIO)?
- Sensibilisierung der Beteiligten (Schulung des Construction Teams und Einbezug aller Subunternehmen)
- Vertragliche und organisatorische Maßnahmen als Schadensvermeidungsstrategie
- Besonderheiten bei Offshore-Inspektionen (bspw. Einsatz von Seilzugangstechnik, Wetterabhängigkeit, usw.)
- Aufzeigen von immensen Kostenreduktionspotentialen durch professionelle Beschichtungskontrolle und Schadensvermeidung
7) Practical Experiences with Solvent-Free Coatings on the Basis of the Current BSH Guideline |
10-year track report on FINO 1 / Experiences and future challenges for corrosion protection on offshore foundations
Company / Unternehmen: Sika Deutschland GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Stefan Luipers
Practical Experiences with Solvent-Free Coatings on the Basis of the Current BSH Guideline
Company / Unternehmen: Sika Deutschland GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Stefan Luipers
Was ist Nachhaltigkeit (im Korrosionsschutz)?
Was sind VOC‘s (volatile organic compounds) und wie wirken diese auf Mensch und Umwelt?
Kann man durch die Einsparung von Lösemitteln die Lebenserwartung und Lebensqualität beeinflussen?
Ist das Einsparpotenzial in einem Offshorepark an Lösemitteln wirklich relevant?
10 Jahre Praxiserfahrungen mit lösemittelfreien Systemen in der Offshore Windenergie.
Das Bundesamt für Seeschiffhart und Hydrographie in Deutschland prüft den Einsatz von Korrosionsschutz Systemen in der Offshore Branche.
Warum sollten VOCs reduziert werden sollen?
VOCs sind Gesundheitsschädlich und tragen zur Umweltbelastung bei.
Feinstaub und Lösemittel: Ein Problem fliegt um die Welt.
Was ist die Cafe.( Clean Air for Europe)
(Erläuterung der CAFE Strategie anhand von Diagrammen und Schaubildern)
Einsparpotenzial bei Offshore Systemen mit 100.000m² Beschichtungsfläche.
Vorstellung der FINO 1 mit Track Report und Bildern aus Sicht der Korrosionsschutzes:
Im gesamten Jacket-, und Plattformbereich sind lösemittelfreie Systemen zum Einsatz gekommen.
Bilder und Details der Korrosionsschutz Spezifikation:
Bei den wenigen Korrosionsstellen im Jacketbereich, konnte die Wirksamkeit des Znkstaubprimer nach 10 Jahren nachgewiesen werden:
Nachhaltigkeit im Korrosionsschutz ist durchaus machbar!
Lösemittelfrei Produkte beweisen ihre Langlebigkeit!
Ín der Zukunft werden Offshore Strukturen nur noch mit lösemittelfreien Systemen beschichtet werden!
Neu Entwicklungen von Systemen können nicht eingesetzt werden, da hier die langzeit Erfahrung fehlt.
In der Deutschen Beschichtungsstoff Industrie gibt es genug Hersteller, die über langjährige Erfahrungen mit Lösemittelfreien Systeme verfügen.
Durch die neue BSH Richtlinie wird Deutschland in Zukunft im Bereich lösemittelfreie Beschichtungssysteme neue Maßstäbe setzten.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session J: Standardisation and Harmonisation
Standardisation and Harmonisation: Different Countries, Different Standards
1) How to manage “just-in-time delivery” in offshore wind projects |
Company / Unternehmen: Energy Just in Time GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Manfred Auch
How to manage “just-in-time delivery” in offshore wind projects
Company / Unternehmen: Energy Just in Time GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Manfred Auch
There is an ongoing suffering of delays in offshore wind projects. Which are the real reasons of consuming too much time and what can be done against it? The author reports about own experiences from the delivery of offshore substations and foundations.
1.Insufficient know-how and experience. Quite often still it could happen that the customer or his site inspection or the certification company have more know-how than the supplier. The challenge is, to bring these people together in a joint team and to find joint problem solving regardless all concerns about responsibilities.
2.Poor know-how of series production and series supply chain management. Building an offshore windpark is to repeat 80 times the same (80 foundations, etc.). This series production knowledge is available in the Machine Building Industry.
3.Changing technical requests. The time between signing a contract and financial closing takes many months. Meanwhile customers and suppliers get new ideas or findings. Simultaneous engineering methods and tools will help here.
4.EPC contracting. After signing the contract parties often start disputing about contractual obligations and claims – time consuming procedures. This can be negotiated by recording all man hours, costs etc. traceable for both parties, and go on with the building process in order to keep the deadlines. How much each party has to bear of the expenditures will be clarified in a separate process afterwards.
5.Alliance Contracting. The rules: transparency of costs and calculations, involvement of the customer in technical problem solving and practicing reimbursements and bonus payments are elements of the Alliance Contracting. It is designed for projects with high technical risks, where an EPC contractor fights against everything which could injure his budget when liquidated damages are already consumed.
The author strongly recommends the use of such kind of methods and tools.
2) Update on the offshore code of practice (OCoP) initiative: |
Risk management standards for offshore wind power projects
Company / Unternehmen: Swiss Re
Speaker / Referent: Harald Dimpflmaier
Update on the offshore code of practice (OCoP) initiative:
Company / Unternehmen: Swiss Re
Speaker / Referent: Harald Dimpflmaier
European (re-) insurer and the German Insurance Association (GDV) have set up an initiative for risk analysis of Offshore Wind Farm constructions on behalf the European Wind Turbine Committee (EWTC). The result of the initiative is a Joint Code of Practice for a holistic risk management approach. Basis of the Joint Code of Practice is a risk evaluation where members of the offshore and insurance industry jointly have systematically identified and evaluated risks and relevant protection measures for every process stage. The goal of the Joint Code of Practice is risk transparency, risk mitigation and to keep offshore wind farms and related risks insurable in the long term. Target group are all parties involved in offshore wind farm projects and the insurance industry.
3) Smart contracting as a means of cost reduction |
Exploring ways in which different European countries, applying varying standards, could reduce costs by contractual standardisation and harmonisation
Company / Unternehmen: Ince & Co LLP
Speaker / Referent: Mark de la Haye, UK | Chris Kidd, UK
Smart contracting as a means of cost reduction
Company / Unternehmen: Ince & Co LLP
Speaker / Referent: Mark de la Haye, UK | Chris Kidd, UK
The European offshore wind energy sector has come a long way over the past decade. Projects have grown in size and complexity on an almost exponential basis. But in order to achieve sustained growth in the future, the industry needs to reduce costs. One way of doing this could be by encouraging a level of contractual standardisation and harmonisation throughout Europe.
Although every offshore wind farm project is unique in its own way, experience to date shows us that there are steps which can and should be taken at an early stage in order to identify and allocate risks and liabilities to the party which is best placed to bear them. This presentation will explore some of the key issues which arise on a regular basis, and consider how those issues might be addressed in different countries, applying different standards, so as to help reduce costs by a process of standardisation and harmonisation.
4) RDS-PP: International Standard applied in the Wind Industry – Application Examples |
Company / Unternehmen: VGB PowerTech e.V.
Speaker / Referent: Ulrich Langnickel
RDS-PP: International Standard applied in the Wind Industry – Application Examples
Company / Unternehmen: VGB PowerTech e.V.
Speaker / Referent: Ulrich Langnickel
RDS-PP is the further development for the proven identification system for power plants KKS. Compared to this, it provides a number of innovations and extensions, coming up for today's requirements for designation of power plant components. In contrast to the KKS, RDS-PP was enhanced with a view on new forms of power generation, e.g. decentralized plants. The internationally standardised system is world-wide well reputed. This scheme includes among others, systems, plants, technical equipment, signals, connections, and documents and is applicable to the fields of mechanical- and electrical engineering, I&C as well as civil engineering.
The extension of the application explanations, firstly published as the VGB-Standard B116-D2 in 2007, on the RDS-PP system for wind power plants is of particular significance. The revised VGB-Standard S-823-32 (Application Guideline Part 32: Wind Power Plants) will be published at the beginning of 2014. With the application of RDS-PP, the operational as well as commercial expenditures will decrease because all market actors - manufacturers, operators, OEMs - could refer to a uniform, internationally accepted system. The updated document also includes particular features of offshore wind parks.
The theoretical background knowledge as well as different application examples, especially in the field of offshore wind energy, will be explained within the presentation.
5) Standardisation in Offshore Logistics |
The need for and potential of standardising information flows
Company / Unternehmen: BLG Logistics Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Speaker / Referent: Michael Görges
Standardisation in Offshore Logistics
Company / Unternehmen: BLG Logistics Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Speaker / Referent: Michael Görges
Die Errichtung der Offshore-Windparks ist hochkomplex, daher werden die Parks derzeit häufig noch als Einzelprojekte geplant. Um einheitliche, möglichst international anwendbare Mindestanforderungen festzulegen und entsprechend der Empfehlungen der Fachgruppe „Internationale Vorschriften und Normung“ des ständigen gemeinsamen Arbeitskreises „Vernetzung der maritimen Wirtschaft“ zu handeln, werden gegenwärtig die hohen technischen Anforderungen der Offshore-Industrie in die Normung eingebracht. Federführend ist hierbei die Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik (NSMT) im DIN e.V., die den Arbeitsausschuss „Offshore Windenergie“ gegründet hat, um insbesondere die Vernetzung zwischen der „klassischen“ maritimen Wirtschaft und der jungen Branche Offshore zu fördern. Seit der Gründung des Arbeitsausschusses im Juni 2011 wurden bereits wichtige Ergebnisse für den Normierungsaufbau in der Offshore Windenergie erarbeitet. Im Rahmen dieses Arbeitsausschusses werden verschiedene Themenstellungen für die Normung in unterschiedlichen Arbeitskreisen adressiert. Der Arbeitskreis Logistik wird durch die BLG geleitet und umfasst derzeit zwei konkrete internationale Standardisierungsprojekte. Dieser Konferenzbeitrag wird eines dieser Projekte – Standardisierung des Informationsflusses in der Offshore Supply Chain – adressieren und sowohl den offenen Standardisierungsbedarf aufzeigen, als auch die Potenziale der Standardisierung in diesem Bereich veranschaulichen. Ziel dieses Standardisierungsprojektes ist die Schaffung eines einheitlichen Informationsaustausches von relevanten Materialfluss- und Planungsinformationen zwischen den einzelnen Akteuren der Supply Chain. Neben den bisherigen Ergebnissen der Normungsarbeit sollen die Zuhörer im Rahmen dieses Beitrages erfahren, wie konkrete eigene Projektergebnisse erfolgreich in bestehende und zukünftige Normungsprozesse eingebracht werden können.
6) National and international standards for the design re- quirements of offshore substations: |
The advantages of offshore substations’ certification
Company / Unternehmen: TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH, Offshore Wind Energy
Speaker / Referent: Malte Lossin
National and international standards for the design re- quirements of offshore substations:
Company / Unternehmen: TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH, Offshore Wind Energy
Speaker / Referent: Malte Lossin
The offshore substations are one of the most important components of the offshore wind energy. The substation are essential because they responsible of converting and exporting the energy to the onshore grid. The weight of current substations is around 2,000 tonnes and has a square measure of 800 m². The water depths where these offshore substations are to be installed are between 30 and 60 m. The substructure is mostly a lattice steel structure. The design of the foundation which makes the connection to the sea ground varies between gravity base, piles, suction buckets etc. The industry is looking for optimised designs of the offshore platforms and innovative solutions to gain greater cost-effectiveness and energy transfer efficiency.
The substations positioned far from the shore will have permanent accommodation also or other solutions will be used like hotel ships or separate accommodation platforms. Hence fire and blast protection becomes more and more important. Therefore special requirements with regard to HSE have to be fulfilled. This is a topic allot of Institutions like IMO, ISO, DIN and the BSH concern their self with revising their common standards. New trainings of the personal are required. For the Installation and commissioning process special ships will be used. And the Situations are not comparable to the proven offshore oil and gas industry in all cases.
This presentation should explain requirements to be in compliance with codes and standards in case of a certification. It should be pointed out how problems could be avoided by involving the certification body in an early stage of the design and the construction of an offshore substation. The aim is to support companies develop a greater understanding of the diverse components of a substation and the different process involved in the development of such offshore projects.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session K: Logistics and construction
With the kind support of:
Logistics and Installation of Offshore Wind Farms: Challenges and Answers
1) Uncertainty for Port Operators and Logistics Providers |
Planning Reliability for long-term Investments to Optimize OWE Supply Chain
Company / Unternehmen: Zentralverband der Deutschen Seehafenbetriebe - ZDS
Speaker / Referent: Andreas Wellbrock
Uncertainty for Port Operators and Logistics Providers
Company / Unternehmen: Zentralverband der Deutschen Seehafenbetriebe - ZDS
Speaker / Referent: Andreas Wellbrock
2) The search for the optimum solution |
Development and Execution of transport, installation and commissioning of the Nordsee-Ost WTGs
Company / Unternehmen: RWE Innogy / Senvion
Speaker / Referent: Heiner Strauß / Cornelius Drücker
The search for the optimum solution
Company / Unternehmen: RWE Innogy / Senvion
Speaker / Referent: Heiner Strauß / Cornelius Drücker
In 2010 RWE Innogy awarded the Turbine Supply Contract for 48 x 6,15MW to REpower Systems (now Senvion SE).
In the following years, the project teams of both parties jointly developed and adjusted the offshore logistics concept to adapt to the changing requirements of stakeholders, schedule and the general offshore wind industry.
The concept of this presentation is a review of the past 4 years highlighting the efforts to be taken by joint teams to achieve project specifically the optimum solution for an offshore wind farm. Latest results from the ongoing installation (to be started in spring 2014) will be shown, a perspective for other projects and business partners will be presented.
- Schedule impact of grid connection
- Overview of concepts reviewed
- Use of existing infrastructure (Eurogate, gantry cranes)
- Change in blade installation methodology from rotor star to single blade
- The importance of mock-up tests for improved installation methods
- The role of Helgoland in offshore planning
- Experiences in cooperation and scope split
- Contractual thoughts (experiences with open book, lumb sum, etc.)
3) Toward a floating future |
A2SEA has designed and concept-tested the first of a new generation of vessels that leverage know-how from the world of shuttle tankers to bring unparalleled capacity and improved safety to foundation installation.
Company / Unternehmen: A2SEA
Speaker / Referent: Sascha Wiesner Position: Regional Manager for Germany / Netherlands and Belgium
Toward a floating future
Company / Unternehmen: A2SEA
Speaker / Referent: Sascha Wiesner
A2SEA has designed and concept-tested a new generation of vessels that leverage know-how from the world of shuttle tankers and other large-displacement vessels to bring unparalleled capacity and improved safety to foundation installation.
Deeper, further from land, tougher weather conditions, higher waves, and heavier, larger foundations – today’s requests for tenders are constantly raising the bar for installation vessels, their equipment and their crews. One of the heaviest demands concerns the immense volume and weight of future foundation. Deck space and crane size are just two of many parameters that must be boosted to meet the new dimensions.
Luckily, there’s a bold new solution underway: FFIV (Floating Foundation Installation Vessel) vessels. And A2SEA’s Regional Manager for Germany, Sascha Wiesner, will take the audience on a journey from the initial thoughts behind this initiative to some of today’s design elements.
Purpose-built precision
A2SEA is well down the track of planning large, purpose-built installation vessels that incorporate entirely new thinking from the hull up. These vessels are primarily able to act as floating platforms for installing foundations. Equipped with DP2 (dynamic positioning) systems, the new vessels will be able to manoeuvre close to installation points with unprecedented precision. In fact, with no jack-up legs and seabed conditions to worry about, the only barrier to efficient installation is weather. And, with crane sizes in excess of 2000 tonnes, and all the deck space needed, FFIVs are the master vessels for installing different kinds of foundations, of any weight, and any dimension.
Logistics upsides
FFIVs bring with them a range of logistics benefits. For example, with fewer fabrication yards able to construct heavier foundations, these vessels can pick up components directly from the manufacturer, eliminating the need to switch transport forms on the way to wind farm locations. And, since they are less affected by adverse weather conditions, FFIVs can work at almost any time of year, improving installation performance and ensuring higher returns on investments made.
Safety first
Naturally, A2SEA’s FFIV concept also deals with safety as a key issue, finding ways to reduce risk, for example, by lowering the need to handle – and double-handle – foundations, components and fittings. Additional deck space and fewer installation steps will contribute further safety gains.
4) Offshore Accommodation and Maintenance Vessel |
One Design - Several Possibilities
Company / Unternehmen: Meyer Werft GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Claas Hörmann
Offshore Accommodation and Maintenance Vessel
Company / Unternehmen: Meyer Werft GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Claas Hörmann
The combination of our longstanding experience in building different types of vessels with the construction of the research vessel “Sonne” has resulted in the development of three different classes of these highly specialized vessels.
These innovatively designed ships include a helicopter deck and the Boreas-Class even has a helicopter hangar.
The large, multifunctional working decks with container storage space ensure that these ships are high performers and operate with great flexibility in the offshore sector.
Boreas-Class vessels are especially suitable for wind parks that are located far offshore with many windmills. Its access system, which is used for regular maintenance, still operates at a significant wave height of up to 2.5 meters and hence guarantees a very low probability of failure. Unscheduled maintenance, technical failures and unforeseen incidents of single wind mills are attended to by daughter craft which allow an instant response to wind turbine downtime. In such cases, the transportation of technicians from ship to windmill takes place in the standard way.
In bad weather with strong winds, when landing with a daughter craft or access systems is impossible, a helicopter can ferry the technicians to and from the wind mills and ensures instant response to technical failures. Hence downtime of turbines is reduced and output increased.
Noise and vibration reduction is achieved by the Comfort Bow, outstanding sea keeping through roll reduction and excellent maneuvering through DP 2.
Due to system modularity our ships offer various options, for example: LNG powered engines, daughter craft, offshore gangway systems, moon pool integration and emergency tug winches. They are multi-purpose ships and can be used as emergency tugs, as service vessels for platforms and as standby vessels. All vessels are available as bespoke designs and can be tailored to the individual needs of the customer.
5) Weather Delay Insurance in Offshore Construction & Maintenance |
Managing Weather Risk
Company / Unternehmen: Endurance Global Weather
Speaker / Referent: Ralph Renner, UK
Weather Delay Insurance in Offshore Construction & Maintenance
Company / Unternehmen: Endurance Global Weather
Speaker / Referent: Ralph Renner, UK
As a specialty insurance and re-insurance provider we now enable contractors and developers to manage the risk from cost overruns and delays by insuring adverse weather such as significant wave height, currents, winds etc. By transferring weather risk contractors can guarantee profit margins. In addition they will be able to participate in tenders that require all weather risks to be assumed by them - even if they only wish to assume a limited / no amount of weather risk. For project developers and banks the availability of such an insurance markedly improves the finance-ability of projects and more conservative institutional investors can approach / invest in the market.
6) Walk to Work |
Rethinking the transfer of personnel between vessels and structures
Company / Unternehmen: Siem Offshore Contractors GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Günther Bakker
Walk to Work
Company / Unternehmen: Siem Offshore Contractors GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Günther Bakker
Transferring personnel between structures and vessels offshore is an inherently risky activity but necessary. The traditional method for transferring personnel from vessels to fixed offshore structures in the offshore wind farms has been focussed on the "bump and jump" methodology, i.e. small, fast crew transfer vessels maintaining positive contact with a structure, while personnel carefully time their transfer from vessel to ladder or other access system.
As well as safety concerns relating to this activity (incidents of equipment damage and injuries are readily found), the weather limitations for this activity are fairly restrictive and can have an adverse impact on overall construction programmes and work-stream interfaces.
Siem Offshore Contractors has taken the lead in designing and constructing a vessel which increases the safety for personnel undertaking this activity, and enables this to be done in more inclement weather than other methodologies. The innovative “Walk to Work” principal opens a greater weather window for construction work as well as operations and maintenance activities, helping our clients reduce uncertainties regarding health and safety risks and overall costs to the construction of a wind farm.
7) The MIDOS® Pile |
A quiet and economical system to install foundation piles for jacket and tripod structures
Company / Unternehmen: BAUER Maschinen GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Leonhard Weixler
The MIDOS® Pile
Company / Unternehmen: BAUER Maschinen GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Leonhard Weixler
The MIDOS® Pile is the long awaited piling solution for offshore wind, offering reliable foundation piles for jacket or tripod structures with negligible noise emissions at competitive costs. Except in hard rock - when rock drilling techniques are required - the MIDOS®-Pile can be used. It is a very promising new method to install pin piles ahead of installing the foundation structure.
The structural element of the MIDOS® Pile is a steel casing, usually 2.00 m to 2.50 m in diameter and 30.00 m to 45.00 m long. The casing is positioned in the satellites of the Bauer modular subsea template.The starter piece of the casing has a diameter 0.30 m to 0.40 m larger than the casing. Inside of the top of the casing a rotary drive is clamped into the casing turning a shaft, which drives at the bottom end several mixing tools.
With the help of water jets this mixing tool loosens the soil and turns it into a soil-water-slurry, in which the casing can sink down. Simultaneously the annulus space created by the starter piece is filled with specially designed cement slurry. Excess soil-water-slurry is pumped to a spoil barge. When reaching the final depth, the rotary drives with the shaft and the mixing tool is extracted, the casing and the starter piece remain in place. The cement slurry hardens to design strength. The MIDOS® Pile can reach a bearing capacity in compression and tension beyond 20 MN.
The MIDOS® Pile can be installed in four to six hours from any suitable floating or jacked up vessel; it is therefore comparable cost wise with conventional pile driving techniques. However, no detrimental underwater noise is created, eliminating one of the biggest uncertainties in today’s offshore wind projects. Patent applications for method and equipment have been filed.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 1 – 3 p.m. - Lunch + Trade Fair
We have organized an Lunch bufett for all conference participants in the Hall 4.
The exhibitor will be very glad for an visit at there bothes in Hall 5.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 3 – 5 p.m. - Session L: Grid development
Offshore Grid Development: Next Steps, Technology, Maintenance and Monitoring
1) Offshore grid plan |
First serial offshore application of the noise mitigation system of Hydro Sound Dampers (HSD)
Company / Unternehmen: BSH
Speaker / Referent: Dr Nico Nolte
Offshore grid plan
Company / Unternehmen: BSH
Speaker / Referent: Dr Nico Nolte
The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie - BSH) was given the task to issue and annually update a Spatial Offshore Grid Plan for the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The plan is being developed in consent with the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur - BNetzA) and in consultation with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz - BfN) and the coastal states ("Länder"). Its aim is to ensure coordinated and consistent spatial planning of grid infrastructure and grid topology, particularly for the grid connections of offshore wind farms in the German EEZ of the North and Baltic Sea up to the 12 nautical mile border of the territorial waters.
Pursuant to the Federal Energy Act, the scope of the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan covers
- the identification of offshore wind farms suitable for collective grid connections,
- spatial routing for subsea cables required to connect offshore wind farms,
- sites for converter platforms or transformer substations,
- interconnectors,
- a description of potential cross connections between grid infrastructures and standardised technical rules and planning principles.
The Spatial Offshore Grid Plan takes a sectoral planning approach and is closely linked to the Maritime Spatial Plan for the German EEZ in the North and Baltic Sea. The coordination with other spatially significant types of planning and measures as well as an examination of reasonable alternatives to subsea cable routes, corridors or sites is given serious consideration.
When drawing up the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan, an extensive Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is carried out in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act. The SEA report as a result of the environmental assessment focuses on the description and assessment of significant effects on the marine environment likely to arise from the implementation of the plan.
2) TenneT- the world leading Offshore TSO |
Latest developments in connecting offshore wind farms in Germany’s North Sea
Company / Unternehmen: TenneT Offshore GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Wilfried Breuer
TenneT- the world leading Offshore TSO
Company / Unternehmen: TenneT Offshore GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Wilfried Breuer
Der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber TenneT hat bis heute Anbindungskapazitäten für Offshorewindparks in der deutschen Nordsee mit einem Umfang von mehr als 6,2 GW vergeben. Hierfür hat das Unternehmen Investitionen in Höhe von mehr als 7 Mrd. Euro getätigt. Das macht TenneT zum größten Investor in die deutsche Energiewende! Unterdessen haben jedoch lediglich Offshorewindparks mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 2,9 GW finale Investitionsentscheidungen getroffen, von denen bereits 2,3 GW im Bau sind. Dies besagt eine Studie der Unternehmensberatung Offshore Management Resources. Diese Studie prognostiziert außerdem lediglich Offshorewindparks mit einer Gesamtkapazität von nur 5,9 GW bis zum Jahr 2023. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird die TenneT laut ONEP 2024 gezwungen sein, Übertragungskapazität mit einem Volumen von 12,1 GW ausgeschrieben zu haben. Es drohen demnach Leerkosten in Milliardenhöhe für 6,2 GW ungenutzte Netzanschlusskapazität. Um dieses Ungleichgewicht zu verhindern bedarf es einer ehrlichen Debatte über die Ausbauziele von Offshore-Wind, ihre Ausbaugeschwindigkeit und einer sicheren gesetzlichen Grundlage für Investitionen in OWP. Damit der Investitionsstau bei den Offshorewindparks gelöst wird, hat die TenneT in ihrem 3-Punkte-Plan zum Ausbau der Offshore-Windenergie konkrete Forderungen an die Politik gerichtet. Diese Positionen wird TenneT einer breiten Öffentlichkeit erläutern und Auskunft über den aktuellen Stand beim Ausbau der Offshore-Netzinfrastruktur geben. TenneT ist nach dem Zusammenschluss mit transpower der erste grenzüberschreitende Übertragungsnetzbetreiber für Strom in Europa. Mit ungefähr 20.000 Kilometern an Hoch- und Höchstspannungsleitungen und 36 Millionen Endverbrauchern in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland gehört die TenneT zu den Top 5 der Netzbetreiber in Europa.
3) Optimized subsea power cable systems for cost reduction and specific applications |
Company / Unternehmen: NSW General Cable
Speaker / Referent: Heiner Ottersberg
Optimized subsea power cable systems for cost reduction and specific applications
Company / Unternehmen: NSW General Cable
Speaker / Referent: Heiner Ottersberg
Experience gained from recent projects in the offshore wind sector reveals possibilities for improvement in nearly all project phases, especially during selection, design and manufacturing of the cables on one hand and cable installation and implementation on the other hand.
For appropriate selection of subsea cable concepts in respect to cost several aspects need to be taken into account. For the project developer in many cases a tradeoff between CAPEX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (operational expenditure) is the main decision to be taken. CAPEX driven optimization leads to solutions that can be purchased at relatively low costs but come along with reduced earnings, while the opposite applies for OPEX driven optimization.
A typical example is outlined in the following: Cables need to have sufficient conductor cross section in order to meet the project specific requirements regarding transmission of the generated power. Special focus needs to be put on typical bottlenecks, e.g. like landing zones or within a J-tube, possibly exposed to solar radiation. Besides the ampacity during normal operation, the cables must meet the requirements for abnormal conditions (e.g. temporary overload). Current state of the art in submarine cable design is to work with standards like VDE or IEC, tailor made for onshore application. The downside of these standards is that they gave conservative approaches due to simplified mathematical models. Through this cost optimization potential is left aside. Instead, more sophisticated models and simulations are needed to select the best possible cable solution for offshore wind application.
The presentation will provide guidance for a tradeoff based on technical examples for optimized subsea power cable systems designed to cost.
4) ABB Cable Care – Service for Offshore Cable Connections |
Preventive Maintenance and Repair-Preparedness for Power Cables
Company / Unternehmen: ABB AG
Speaker / Referent: Philip Schöpfle
ABB Cable Care – Service for Offshore Cable Connections
Company / Unternehmen: ABB AG
Speaker / Referent: Philip Schöpfle
More than 100 GW of offshore wind power projects are already in various stages of planning and the majority of this within the European market. With a huge number of large offshore wind farms being planned at far distances from the coasts of Europe, new challenges are faced with respect to supply chain and production capacity of key components for grid integration.
As one huge part of these offshore wind farms, they require long AC or DC cable systems, using the latest technology developed in transmission of electrical power. A failure in these cables, e.g. caused by external means like the anchor of a vessel, will normally cause a long outage time and thus create a tremendous loss in revenues for offshore wind farm developers.
The lecture will highlight the challenges within the cable-service topic as well as ABB´s solution to cope with the needs of our customers and gives best practice examples of successful cable repair operations on offshore wind farms during the last years. “ABB Cable Care” – a support package that subsumes solutional options and the capability portfolio in the field of cable service for submarine and land cables on the customers installed base can help to limit the outage times.
5) Advanced Trenching Solution for Inter-Array Cable Burial |
IHC Engineering Business' Hi-Traq Trenching Vehicle
Company / Unternehmen: IHC Engineering Business
Speaker / Referent: Chris Jones, UK
Advanced Trenching Solution for Inter-Array Cable Burial
Company / Unternehmen: IHC Engineering Business
Speaker / Referent: Chris Jones, UK
The market for trenching offshore wind turbine inter array cables has increased significantly over recent years, however most of the technology for this currently comes directly from the telecoms or oil and gas industries using existing trenching assets of established trenching subcontractors.
With more enquiries for bespoke trenching solutions for this market being received a review of the fundamental limitations of current technology has been undertaken to identify which technologies are applicable and which of these need to evolve to provide the performance requirements of this niche market.
The combined effects of relatively shallow water environment, vessel limitations, soil conditions and the numerous relatively short cable burial requirements of offshore wind farm inter array cables has lead to a review of the current methods used in more conventional trenching sub sea operations.
Starting from first principles, based on the specific requirements of inter array cable burial, this paper sets out the choice and evolution of current technology into this specialised application . It also demonstrates the potential for bespoke machines / tooling and the potential demarcation of specific operations.
With support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) IHC Engineering Business has developed a vehicle, based on the technological requirements outlined in this paper, specifically for the application of trenching flexible inter-array cables. IHC is producing a demonstrator vehicle which will be ready for trials and testing in Q1 2014.
6) Reducing the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of Offshore Renewable Energy through ‘Holistic’ Condition Monitoring (CM) of the Offshore Wind Farm High Voltage Networks |
Company / Unternehmen: HVPD Newcastle University
Speaker / Referent: Stefan Heberer, UK
Reducing the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of Offshore Renewable Energy through ‘Holistic’ Condition Monitoring (CM) of the Offshore Wind Farm High Voltage Networks
Company / Unternehmen: HVPD Newcastle University
Speaker / Referent: Stefan Heberer, UK
The authors present a paper arguing that in order to reduce the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of offshore wind farms (OWF) in Europe over their proposed 20-year lifetime, a radical rethink in the present asset management and maintenance strategies is necessary. The UK Government (DECC) state that the present LCOE for offshore wind in the UK is around €170/MWh and that this LCOE must be reduced by 25% by 2020 in order to make offshore renewables electricity more affordable to the UK consumer.
Experiences from the UK OWF industry have shown a high number of high voltage (HV) cable faults. The insurance industry (Codan) have reported that 80% of OWF insurance claims in the UK to date have been due to MV/HV cable damage and faults. It is estimated that an ‘average’ OWF cable repair cost for a fault on a 33kV inter-array cable is between €300-600k whilst for a 132kV export cable this can range anywhere from €2M to over €10M in extreme cases.
Presently the LCOE of an OWF is split between 33% of build-costs (amortised over 20 years) and 67% of operational and maintenance (O&M) costs. Whilst build costs per MW generating capacity are set to come down in the near future with the advent of the new class of 6MW+ ‘super’ turbines, it is argued that it is through the reduction of the O&M costs where the majority of these cost savings must come from.
The authors present a model for the deployment of CM technology to support a condition-based management (CBM) solution for these OWF cable networks. This paper reports from a recent industry consultation, where present cable test and monitoring practices were reviewed along with various CM technologies that can be used on cable networks and evaluates their current benefits and limitations
The paper concludes with the presentation of a new technical solution for the ‘holistic’ condition monitoring of these critical cable networks.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 3 – 5 p.m. - Session M: Nature and Environment Protection
Nature and Environment Protection: Scientific Answers and Technical Solutions
1) A New Effective Method to Reduce Offshore Piling Noise |
First serial offshore application of the noise mitigation system of Hydro Sound Dampers (HSD)
Company / Unternehmen: OffNoise-Solutions GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Karl-Heinz Elmer
A New Effective Method to Reduce Offshore Piling Noise
Company / Unternehmen: OffNoise-Solutions GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Karl-Heinz Elmer
High underwater noise emissions from offshore piling are potentially harmful to marine life and can reach dangerous levels in a large area. An increasing number of erected and prospected offshore wind turbines needs effective noise reducing methods to achieve the German BSH standard level of 160 dB SEL at a distance of 750 m from pile driving.
The innovative method of hydro sound dampers (HSD) of OffNoise-Solutions GmbH uses curtains of robust air filled elastic balloons with high underwater noise reduction effects and special PE-foam elements with high dissipative effects from material damping, to reduce impact noise. The resonance frequency of the elements, the optimum damping rate for impact noise, the distribution and the effective frequency range can be fully controlled.
Offshore tests have already shown the very high potential of HSD-noise mitigation even in the lower frequency range of todays large hydraulic hammers between 50 and 350 Hz.
In the first half year of 2014 the new HSD-noise mitigation system will be applied to monopiles of the E.ON offshore wind farm “Amrumbank West” in the North Sea. The complete HSD-system is hanging below the MENCK hydro hammer without wasting time for the mobilisation of the noise mitigation system. It is a very small system of less than 35t t, a diameter of less than 10m and easy to handle. HSD-systems are independent of compressed air, not influenced by tide currents, not expensive and easy adaptable to different applications.
It is expected that this first serial offshore application will demonstrate a new effective way to reduce offshore piling noise. The measured results of HSD-noise reductions will be presented and discussed for the first time on WINDFORCE 2014.
2) Avifauna Monitoring in Offshore Wind Farms |
A new approach to developing effective and cost-efficient methods and techniques
Company / Unternehmen: Institute for Marine Resources GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Antonia Dix
Avifauna Monitoring in Offshore Wind Farms
Company / Unternehmen: Institute for Marine Resources GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Antonia Dix
In Germany, offshore wind farm projects are accompanied by obligatory environmental impact assessments (EIA) to determine and evaluate potential adverse impacts of the planned facilities on the marine environment. For the monitoring of migratory birds, radar surveys are carried out with vertical and surveillance radar devices as well as state-of-the-art methods (i.e. optical systems and radar). However, at this point in time the impacts of wind farms on protected birds (e.g. evasive behaviour, attraction, collisions) cannot be conclusively assessed and predicted just yet as technical limitations still hinder the monitoring of flight paths within the wind farm area independent of weather, time of day and species diversity.
Through the future emergence of wind farm cluster, there is an increasing need for effective and cost-efficient methods which address advances in the scalability of an observed area, automated analysis of data, and evaluation of cumulative effects. In close collaboration with research partners, we aim to present a new radar-based concept that is tailored towards the needs of avifauna research in wind farm areas and the needs of the industry.
3) Mitigation of piling noise during construction of the offshore windfarm DanTysk |
A base case for noise mitigation concepts
Company / Unternehmen: Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Eva Philipp
Mitigation of piling noise during construction of the offshore windfarm DanTysk
Company / Unternehmen: Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Eva Philipp
The offshore windfarm DanTysk is currently constructed by Vattenfall within a Joint Venture with Stadtwerke Munich (SWM) and is located in the German Bight 70km West of the Island of Sylt at the German-Danish border. In 2013 windturbine foundations and the offshore substation (OSS) were installed. According to collateral clause 14 of the BSH permit of the OWP DanTysk noise mitigation measures have to be applied during piling to minimise hydrosound emission. For this purpose a noise mitigation concept was developed including the noise mitigation system itself but also deterrence measures as well as measurements of hydrosound levels and the presence of harbour porpoise via C-PODs. During March until December 2013 80 monopile foundations for the windturbines, and the jacket foundation for the OSS were installed using impulse piling. To mitigate the generated piling noise, a Double Big Bubble Curtain (DBBC) was used for monopile installation. For the OSS jacket an inner bubble curtain within the jacket sleeve was implemented as noise mitigation system. During construction optimization measures of the noise mitigation concept included a large number of variations and optimizations of the DBBC as well as changes in deterrence measures and adjustment of piling energy. Lessons learned from the different measures to mitigate noise generation and noise levels were gained. This included knowledge in respect to noise mitigation but also to logistical, technical, HSE and general project management challenges. The presentation will give an overview of the evolution of the noise mitigation concept during foundation installation at DanTysk. A special focus will be set to technical and logistical lessons learned.
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - 3 – 5 p.m. - Session N: Technical research
Technical Research for Offshore Wind
1) Challenge offshore test site research |
Conceptualizing and initiating further offshore wind energy test site research in Germany after alpha ventus
Company / Unternehmen: Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES
Speaker / Referent: Bernhard Lange
Challenge offshore test site research
Company / Unternehmen: Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES
Speaker / Referent: Bernhard Lange
Alpha ventus was a huge success for the German offshore wind energy industry and research landscape. It was the starting point for a new industry and knowledge area. Amongst a lot of R&D activities carried out, innovative turbines and foundations have been tested at alpha ventus and in this way their performance has been proven. The test site’s realization, though, depended on a lot of actors, different interests and general framework conditions. The financing of the innovations-to-market-process through demonstration at sea is a significant challenge but such innovations are necessary for cost reduction.
In the follow-up project ‘offshore test site research’ (Offshore-Testfeld-Forschung – OFT) an overall concept for a “spatially and temporally distributed test site research” in German waters will be developed. The aim is to initiate different test sites at sea for different innovations and research questions at different times in the future. The project is led by Fraunhofer IWES partnering with the German Offshore Foundation (Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie).
In the overall concept we discuss the framework for further test site initiation and research at test sites in Germany including challenges and opportunities identified during the project. First, eight innovators with demonstration needs were identified. Second, a R&D needs and expertise assessment was carried out. Moreover, we collected information on possible funding and studied the legal framework for RD&D at offshore test sites. Most important is to engage with stakeholders such as operators, the BMU and the BSH. The project is supported by the BMU and eight industrial players including turbine and foundation innovators who are eager to test their innovations in German waters.
During the talk results of the project will be presented.
2) Update on the PISA Project |
PISA - A Joint-Industry Project into laterally loaded Piles
Company / Unternehmen: DONG Energy
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Jesper Skov Gretlund, Denmark
Update on the PISA Project
Company / Unternehmen: DONG Energy
Speaker / Referent: Dr. Jesper Skov Gretlund, Denmark
The PISA project is an international Joint-Industry Project focusing on geotechnical pile design for the Offshore Wind Sector. PISA aims to improve the currently applied methodology for the design of laterally loaded piles which is expected to lead to significant steel savings in pile fabrication. The project is extensively supported by the Offshore Wind Industry and the PISA partners account for more than 75% of the currently planned power production capacity increase in Northern Europe. To drive the development of an improved pile design methodology, an academic consortium, headed by Oxford University, is appointed to develop the scientific background for understanding the pile-soil interaction and to facilitate the large scale test that will be performed to provide the experimental backing of the developed methodology.
The current design methodology for laterally loaded piles is largely based on the API standard developed during the 1950-1970’s. This standard utilizes a description of the soil as a layered structure where each layer is accounted for by a semi-empirical P-y curve interaction. This P-y curve method has significant limitations in terms of adequately modelling the stiffness and lateral loading properties of (mono-)pile foundations. As the current design practice is known to underestimate the stiffness of the piles, a more realistic design practice will result in steel savings. As the foundation cost is representing a large proportion of the CAPEX (around 20%) for the construction of an Offshore Wind Power Plant, the business case of PISA is well motivated by the desire and demand to lower the Cost of Electricity.
In this presentation, the overall scope and organization of PISA will be presented with emphasis on its co-operational nature between large energy utilities. Furthermore, an update will be given on the current status of the project as well as an introduction to the large-scale testing phase.
3) Offshore Foundation Monitoring |
Realizing Cost Savings by Using a Model Based Monitoring Concept
Company / Unternehmen: airwerk GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Jens Krieger
Offshore Foundation Monitoring
Company / Unternehmen: airwerk GmbH
Speaker / Referent: Jens Krieger
The foundations of offshore wind turbines can be seen as ‘new’ constructions due to the fact that they are based on a relatively small database for their dimensioning. For this reason, the BSH requires that 10% of all offshore WTGs be equipped with a foundation monitoring system. Monitoring may also be required when the Observation Method is applied or a case specific approval is granted.
On the other hand offshore foundations are robust structures characterized by over-design to reduce the probability of damage in the harsh environment. Additionally, offshore structures are subject to a high degree of quality testing.
This reduces the probability of failure of offshore structures to very low values. In normal circumstances it can be expected that no structural changes appear at all.
The monitoring strategy therefore has to be: monitor the system response and identify changes in behavior rather than observe local structure behaviors, which - as predicted - do not change (global rather than local monitoring).
The advantages of this strategy are:
- Reduce overall quantity to a few high-quality sensors
- Sensors can be placed at easily accessible locations
- Huge cost savings in installation and maintenance
An introduction to this global monitoring concept will be provided with emphasis on the following:
- Ambient Vibration Monitoring (AVM) to perform a System Identification (SI)
- Use of a mathematical model of the structure dynamic properties
- Use of Duhamel’s integral and the accumulated energy function for structure degradation
This method achieves the following goals:
- Online information on the actual structure condition
- Life cycle and condition prognosis for decision making
- High equipment reliability, low maintenance needs
- Condition index representing the status of the structure, lifetime, load cycle, changes in the boundary conditions
- Delivery of real ultimate load and the fatigue life
4) Wake losses as a function of atmospheric stability for an offshore wind farm |
CFD approach to whole array efficiency computation
Company / Unternehmen: ALSTOM Wind SLU
Speaker / Referent: Sergi Roma i Solanellas, Spain
Wake losses as a function of atmospheric stability for an offshore wind farm
Company / Unternehmen: ALSTOM Wind SLU
Speaker / Referent: Sergi Roma i Solanellas, Spain
Due to the high impact of wake losses on offshore wind farms energy production, it is important to accurately characterize the parameters involved in the development of wake.
The work investigated a theoretical wind farm to analyse the influence of atmospheric stability on wake behaviour and its impact on efficiency. The flow was modelled by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, introducing atmospheric stability as a variable.
5) Experimental Testing of Support Structures and Offshore Foundations |
Overview of Business and Research Activities
Company / Unternehmen: Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES
Speaker / Referent: Daniel Hofmann
Experimental Testing of Support Structures and Offshore Foundations
Company / Unternehmen: Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES
Speaker / Referent: Daniel Hofmann
Starting in summer 2014, the Fraunhofer IWES in cooperation with the Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Center for Wind Energy Research ForWind will be offering a testing area for large scale support structures, tailored to the needs of the industry. The Test Center Support Structures in Hannover helps developers and producers to investigate conventional and innovative foundation. Besides two large-scale test facilities, a foundation test pit and a span, various laboratories and workshops are being installed to meet these needs.
The presentation will cover current fields of activities and actual projects. On the one hand content will be the preparation of tests for new foundation concepts and investigation of soil structure interaction phenomena. On the other hand fatigue investigations on steel structures and protection systems in different offshore environments are ongoing and will be presented. Therefore materials and corrosion protection systems are tested at offshore-test facilities and are compared with laboratory tests. These tests are considering long-term behavior of the materials.