North Sea Wind Farm Tour – Offshore Wind Energy “Live”
16 June 2014
Excursion by air to North Sea offshore wind farms
Eight projects are under construction and three projects are successfully supplying wind power to the mainland. Find out more about projects from an aerial view. See for yourself what the German offshore industry can do.
Enjoy “live” information about the projects.
- Flights leave from: Regional Airport Bremerhaven
- Aircraft: Britten Norman Isländer
- Maximum number of passengers per plane: 8
- Projects to visit: Choose from a variety of routes (dependent on weather)
Route 1:
Maximal Route, all Windfarms under construction or in operation and DC Offshore-Substations
Projects: Meerwind Süd/Ost, Nordsee Ost, Amrumbank West, HelWin alpha (DC Substation), Dan Tysk, Global Tech 1, Bard Offshore 1, BorWin alpha und beta (DC Substations), Trianel Windpark Borkum, alpha ventus, Borkum Riffgrund 1, DolWin alpha (DC Substation), Borkum Riffgat
950 Euro plus 19% VAT (with short stop at Island Borkum)
Route 2:
Windfarms under construction and DC Offshore-Substation
Meerwind Süd/Ost, NordseeOst, Amrumbank West, HelWin alpha (DC Offshore Substation)
580 Euro plus 19% VAT
Route 3:
Windfarms under construction and DC Offshore-Substations
Global Tech 1, Bard Offshore 1, BorWin alpha und beta (DC Offshore Substation), Trianel Windpark Borkum, alpha ventus, Borkum Riffgrund 1, DolWin alpha (DC Offshore Substation)
740 Euro plus 19% VAT
Route 4:
Windfarms under construction and DC Offshore-Substation
Meerwind Süd/Ost, NordseeOst, Amrumbank West, HelWin alpha (Offshore Subsstation), Dan Tysk
700 Euro plus 19% VAT
Programme and routes subject to change!
The flights starts, if we have minimum 6 passengers per flight.
The registration will be made upon entry.
Deadline for registration is 30 May 2014
Should you cancel your registration by 30 April 2014, 30 percent of the fee is still payable and will be charged.
Should you cancel your registration after 30 April 2014, the full excursion registration fee is payable.
Your are allowed to name a replacement every date.
Details, routes and fees North Sea Windfarm Tour
Registration North Sea Windfarm Tour
Following Windfarms will be overflight.
Questions regarding the registration:
Offshore Wind Messe und Veranstaltungs GmbH
Jagoda Jaworski
Telefon +49 421 841 377 14
Registration North Sea Windfarm Tour